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DB.2.6 - Data Set Triggering Panel

The DB.2.6 - Data Set Triggering panel lets you define or review data sets that trigger job scheduling when either their creating jobs complete successfully or when the created/updated data set is closed. This function is related to the POST AT CLOSE TIME field on the DB.6 – Data Set Definition Panel.

To display the panel, enter:

To exit the panel:

Use the DSN, the DSNBR, or both keywords to define the triggering data set.

Partitioned data sets (PDS) cannot be used as data set triggers.

------------------------- CA-7 DATA SET TRIGGERING ------------------------- FUNCTION: xxxxxxxx (FORMAT,LIST,UPD) PAGE nnnn DSN: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DSNBR: nnnnnnnn OPT SCHID TRGD-JOB TRGID DOTM QTM LDTM SBTM *---- EXCEPTIONS ----* x nnn xxxxxxxx nnn hhmm hhmm hhmm hhmm xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x nnn xxxxxxxx nnn hhmm hhmm hhmm hhmm xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x nnn xxxxxxxx nnn hhmm hhmm hhmm hhmm xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x nnn xxxxxxxx nnn hhmm hhmm hhmm hhmm xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x nnn xxxxxxxx nnn hhmm hhmm hhmm hhmm xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x nnn xxxxxxxx nnn hhmm hhmm hhmm hhmm xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x nnn xxxxxxxx nnn hhmm hhmm hhmm hhmm xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x nnn xxxxxxxx nnn hhmm hhmm hhmm hhmm xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x nnn xxxxxxxx nnn hhmm hhmm hhmm hhmm xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x nnn xxxxxxxx nnn hhmm hhmm hhmm hhmm xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x nnn xxxxxxxx nnn hhmm hhmm hhmm hhmm xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x nnn xxxxxxxx nnn hhmm hhmm hhmm hhmm xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x nnn xxxxxxxx nnn hhmm hhmm hhmm hhmm xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x nnn xxxxxxxx nnn hhmm hhmm hhmm hhmm xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x nnn xxxxxxxx nnn hhmm hhmm hhmm hhmm xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx OPTIONS: A=ADD,D=DELETE,U=UPDATE,*=PROCESSED,?=ERROR PROGRAM: SM75 MSG-INDX: nn -- DB.2.6 -- yy.ddd / hh:mm:ss MESSAGE:

This panel contains the following fields:


Specifies the function to perform. Value must be the name of some other panel or one of the following:


Clears the panel of user input data.


Lists the job names and schedule IDs for the triggering element. In batch, a formatted panel is not listed; only a found or not found message is returned. In batch, you must explicitly specify a SCHID and TJOB in the input command.


Performs updating option indicated by OPT parameter below. Do a LIST function before an online UPD.

Batch keyword: Positional parameter


Contains a constant value depending on the triggering element, either JTRG, DTRG, or NTRG for job, data set, or network respectively.

Limits: Required for batch only.

Batch keyword: Positional parameter


Specifies the job name whose successful completion causes triggering.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters and required for job triggers.

Batch keyword: JOB


Specifies the data set name whose creation/update causes triggering of a job.

Note: For VSAM files, the cluster name should be specified.

Limits: 1 to 44 alphanumeric characters and required for data set triggers unless DSNBR is entered.

Batch keyword: DSN


Specifies the input network name whose completion causes triggering.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters and required for network triggers.

Batch keyword: NWK


Specifies the existing data set number whose creation causes triggering. It is the value assigned to the data set by CA WA CA 7 Edition.

Limits:1 to 8 numeric characters for data set triggers

Required for data set triggers unless DSN is entered.

Batch keyword: DSNBR


(Optional) Used with the UPD function, denotes the operation to perform. Valid codes are A (add), D (delete), and U (update).

Batch keyword: OPT


(Optional) Specifies for which schedule ID of the triggering element the TRGD-JOB is to be scheduled.

Default: 0 (all schedule IDs)

Limits: 1 to 3 numeric characters from 0 through 999. This field is not valid with OPT=U.

Batch keyword: SCHID

Note: For the data set trigger panel where the data set is one that is tracked with use of SASSXDSN (externally tracked data sets), the SCHID field must be 000 for the trigger to work.


Specifies the job name that is to be triggered by the completion/creation of the triggering element.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters. This field is not valid with OPT=U.

Batch keyword: TJOB


(Optional) Denotes a replacement schedule ID to use when the TRGD-JOB is placed into the request queue.

Default: 0 (no replacement)

Limits: 1 to 3 numeric characters from 0 through 999

Batch keyword: TRGID

Note: If TRGID is used, it replaces the SCHID value of the triggered element. Any jobs triggered (by TRGD-JOB or data sets it creates) use this TRGID for their schedule ID unless they also have a TRGID value.


This field is useful to avoid a loop in a situation where a job is both triggered by and triggers the same job. For example, assume that JOBX is a backup job that needs to be run after the online system comes down. It triggers JOBY, an update job that further updates the database. JOBY then triggers JOBX again to get another backup. When you define the second occurrence of JOBX as being triggered by JOBY, use TRGID 2 so that this occurrence of JOBX will not trigger JOBY again.


Specifies the due-out time of day of TRGD-JOB rounded down to ten minute increments. If this field is used, QTM must be omitted.

Note: If used and the triggering job's DOTM is after the triggered job's DOTM, CA WA CA 7 Edition assumes the following calendar day.

Limits: 4 numeric characters specified as hhmm, where hh can be 00 through 24 and mm can be 00 through 59, the highest value being 2400. If specified, the lowest value is 10.

Required only if QTM omitted.

Batch keyword: DOTM


Specifies the elapsed queue time of TRGD-JOB rounded down to ten minute increments. If this field is used, DOTM must be omitted because due-out time is then calculated as deadline time plus runtime, where deadline time is calculated as current date/time plus queue time.

Note: Either DOTM or QTM must be used.

Limits: 4 numeric characters specified as hhmm, where hh can be 00 through 24 and mm can be 00 through 59, the highest value being 2400

Required only if DOTM omitted

Batch keyword: QTM


(Optional) Specifies the elapsed lead time for TRGD-JOB rounded to ten minute increments. This field specifies the lead or processing time necessary to ensure that TRGD-JOB meets its due-out time.

Default: 0000

Limits: 4 numeric characters specified as hhmm, where hh can be 00 through 24 and mm can be 00 through 59, the highest value being 2400.

Batch keyword: LEADTM


(Optional) Imposes a submit time of day requirement on TRGD-JOB. When used, the job is not submitted before this time. SBTM is always rounded down to 15 minute increments.

Note: If QTM is used, the date for the submit time requirement will be the same as the deadline start date. If DOTM is used and the SBTM is less than the DOTM, the date for the SBTM is the same as the deadline start date. Otherwise, the SBTM date is the previous day.

Default: 0 (no specific submit time requirement)

Limits: 4 numeric characters specified as hhmm, where hh can be 00 through 24 and mm can be 00 through 59, the highest value being 2400.

Batch keyword: SBTM


Indicates an informational only field. Brief messages appear here when an exception occurs trying to process the entry on this line.

Batch keyword: Not applicable