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Output Network Scheduling Parameter Edit Panel

The Output Network Scheduling Parameter Edit panel lets you define or review individual workstation schedules in an output network. The output network's schedule cycles are based on the schedules of the jobs to which it is connected.

To display the panel, enter EDIT as the function on the DB.2.3 panel.

To exit the panel:

-------------- CA-7 OUTPUT NETWORK SCHEDULING PARAMETER EDIT --------------- FUNCTION: xxxxxxxx (ADD,DELETE,EDIT,FORMAT,LIST,REPL,SAVE,SR,SS) NWK: xxxxxxxx SCHID: nnn STATION DOTM LDTM DODY STATION DOTM LDTM DODY STATION DOTM LDTM DODY 1 xxxxxxxx hhmm hhmm nnnn 2 xxxxxxxx hhmm hhmm nnnn 3 xxxxxxxx hhmm hhmm nnnn 4 xxxxxxxx hhmm hhmm nnnn 5 xxxxxxxx hhmm hhmm nnnn 6 xxxxxxxx hhmm hhmm nnnn 7 xxxxxxxx hhmm hhmm nnnn 8 xxxxxxxx hhmm hhmm nnnn 9 xxxxxxxx hhmm hhmm nnnn SCHID-COUNT: nnn PROGRAM: SM72 MSG-INDX: nn -- DB.2.3-E -- yy.ddd / hh:mm:ss MESSAGE:

This panel contains the following fields:


Specifies the function to perform. Value must be the name of some other panel or one of the following:


Adds a new SCHID to the work area.


Deletes a SCHID from the work area.


Returns the user to the DB.2.3 panel, restores the SCHID-COUNT and schedule data to that which existed when EDIT was initially entered and clears the work area.


Clears the panel of user input data.


Lists all existing SCHIDs, one per panel.


Replaces an existing SCHID in the work area.


Updates SCHID-COUNT and SCHID information and returns the user to the DB.2.3 panel. Work area data (changes) are retained but the database is not updated.


Combination function that results in a SAVE, a return to the DB.2.3 panel, and a subsequent REPL to replace an existing schedule in the database. Saves all schedule IDs into the Active Area and replaces them in the CA WA CA 7 Edition database. If not specified, the scheduling changes are lost once leaving this panel. Entering the SR function automatically returns you to the prior scheduling panel.


Combination function that results in a SAVE, a return to the DB.2.3 panel, and a subsequent SAVE to add a newly defined schedule in the database.

Batch keyword: Positional parameter


Reflects the network name from the previous panel. This is informational only.


Specifies the numeric schedule ID on which the user wants to perform the specified action.

Limits: 1 to 3 numeric characters from 1 through 999

Batch keyword: SCHID

STATION 1 thru 9

(Optional) Specifies network workstation names. Up to nine workstations are listed. Station names are listed in the sequence in which their tasks are to be performed. The same station name can appear multiple times in the list. This field is for station identification purposes only.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters

Batch keyword: Not applicable (see TIME)


Specifies the due-out time of day for the network workstations on this schedule ID.

Limits: 4 numeric characters specified as hhmm, where hh can be 00 through 24 and mm can be 00 through 59

Required for ADD or REPL functions.

Optional for DELETE, EXIT, FORMAT, LIST, SAVE, SR, and SS functions.

Batch keyword: TIME

Note for batch input: The following format must be used, where the numeric value (or n) corresponds to the number of the station.


DOTM is used to dynamically calculate the actual due-out time for the network when it is brought into the queue. If the JOB field of the DB.5 panel definition matches the job name to which the network is connected, these values are used as the actual due-out times and no adjustments are made. If the job's DOTM is greater than the network's DOTM, the network DOTM is incremented by 24 hours (that is, the next day).

If the job name field of the network definition does not match the job name to which the network is connected, the actual due-out time for the stations in the network is calculated as follows:

Station# 1


Station# 2


Station# 3


--- ---

x=Job's DOTM+network connection LDTM+LDTM(1)

y=DODY*2400 to calculate the day displacement.


Specifies the lead time for this schedule ID. This is the amount of elapsed time necessary to ensure that the network completes its task before its scheduled due-out time.

Limits: 4 numeric characters specified as hhmm, where hh can be 00 through 24 and mm can be 00 through 59

Required: Yes - for ADD or REPL functions
No - for DELETE, EXIT, FORMAT, LIST, SAVE, SR, and SS functions

Batch keyword: TIME


Specifies the due-out day for this workstation in the network, relative to the due-out time for the job to which the network is connected.

Default: 0

Limits: 1 to 4 numeric characters from 0 through 255

Required: Yes (if the elapsed time between workstations in a network causes the schedule to roll over any midnight boundary)

Batch keyword: TIME


Identifies a system-generated field containing the current schedule ID count for this network.