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Input Network Scheduling Parameter Edit Panel

The Input Network Scheduling Parameter Edit panel lets you define or review scheduling parameters for input networks that are to be scheduled on a date and time basis.

To display the panel, enter EDIT as the function on the DB.2.2 panel.

To exit the panel:

--------------- CA-7 INPUT NETWORK SCHEDULING PARAMETER EDIT --------------- FUNCTION: xxxxxxxx (ADD,DELETE,EXIT,FORMAT,LIST,REPL,SAVE,SR,SS) NWK: xxxxxxxx SCHID: nnn SCAL: xx ROLL: x INDEX: nnnn STATION DOTM LDTM DODY STATION DOTM LDTM DODY STATION DOTM LDTM DODY 1 xxxxxxxx hhmm hhmm nnnn 2 xxxxxxxx hhmm hhmm nnnn 3 xxxxxxxx hhmm hhmm nnnn 4 xxxxxxxx hhmm hhmm nnnn 5 xxxxxxxx hhmm hhmm nnnn 6 xxxxxxxx hhmm hhmm nnnn 7 xxxxxxxx hhmm hhmm nnnn 8 xxxxxxxx hhmm hhmm nnnn 9 xxxxxxxx hhmm hhmm nnnn -- _ -- DAILY -- _ -- WEEKLY SUN: _ MON: _ TUE: _ WED: _ THU: _ FRI: _ SAT: _ -- _ -- MONTHLY JAN: _ FEB: _ MAR: _ APR: _ MAY: _ JUN: _ JUL: _ AUG: _ SEP: _ OCT: _ NOV: _ DEC: _ WEEK: ______________ DAY-OF-WEEK: __________________________ RDAY: ____________________________________________________________ -- _ -- ANNUAL DAY: _______________________________________________________ DEFAULT SCAL: xx -- _ -- SYMETRIC START: ___ SPAN: ___ SCHID-COUNT: nnn PROGRAM: SM72 MSG-INDX: nn -- DB.2.2-E -- yy.ddd / hh:mm:ss MESSAGE:

This panel contains the following fields:


Specifies the function to perform. Value must be the name of some other panel or one of following:


Adds a new SCHID to the work area.


Deletes a SCHID from the work area.


Returns the user to the DB.2.2 panel and restores the SCHID-COUNT and schedule data to that which existed when EDIT was initially entered and clears the work area.


Clears the panel of user input data.


Lists all SCHIDs, one per panel.


Replaces an existing SCHID in the work area.


Updates SCHID-COUNT and SCHID information and returns the user to the DB.2.2 panel. Work area data (changes) are retained but the database is not updated.


Combination function that results in a SAVE, a return to the DB.2.2 panel, and a subsequent REPL to replace an existing schedule in the database. Saves all schedule IDs into the Active Area and replaces them in the CA WA CA 7 Edition database. If not specified, the scheduling changes are lost once leaving this panel. Entering the SR function automatically returns you to the prior scheduling panel.


Combination function that results in a SAVE, a return to the DB.2.2 panel, and a subsequent SAVE to add a newly defined schedule in the database.

Batch keyword: Positional parameter


Reflects the network name from the previous panel. This is informational only.


(Optional) Specifies the numeric schedule ID on which to perform the specified action.

Limits: 1 to 3 numeric characters from 1 through 999

Batch keyword: SCHID


(Optional) Overrides the default SCAL for this SCHID. If this SCHID is using the default, this field is blank.

Limits: 2 alphanumeric characters

Batch keyword: SCAL


(Optional) Specifies the action to take when a schedule day falls on a base calendar nonavailable processing day. If used, the value must be one of the following:


Roll the schedule back to the previous available processing day in the Base Calendar.


Roll the schedule forward to the next available processing day.


Do not roll. Schedule day must stand.


Do not roll and do not schedule.

Default: D

Batch keyword: ROLL


(Optional) Specifies an adjustment to schedule days. After exercising the ROLL option, the schedule is adjusted, forward or backward, by the number of working days entered.

Limits: 1 to 4 numeric characters specified as Innn where I can be plus (unsigned) or minus (-) and nnn can be 0 to 365 days

Batch keyword: INDEX


(Optional) Specifies network workstation names. Up to nine workstations are listed. Station names are listed in the sequence in which their tasks are to be performed (that is, as defined for the network). The same station name can appear multiple times in the list. This field is for station identification purposes only. For batch, see the note under the TIME batch keyword.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters

Batch keyword: Not applicable (see TIME)


Specifies the due-out time of day for the network workstation using this schedule ID.

Limits: 1 to 4 numeric characters specified as hhmm, where hh can be 00 through 24 and mm can be 00 through 59

Required for ADD or REPL functions.

Optional for DELETE, EXIT, FORMAT, LIST, SAVE, SR, or SS functions.

Batch keyword: TIME

Note for batch input: The following format must be used, where the numeric value (or n) corresponds to the relative number of the station.


Specifies the lead time for the workstation for this schedule ID. This is the amount of elapsed time necessary to ensure that the station completes its task by the scheduled due-out time.

Limits: 1 to 4 numeric characters specified as hhmm, where hh can be 00 through 24 and mm can be 00 through 59

Required for ADD or REPL functions.

Optional for DELETE, EXIT, FORMAT, LIST, SAVE, SR, or SS functions.

Batch keyword: TIME


Specifies the due-out day for the workstation in the network for this schedule ID. It is always relative to the first workstation in the network. It indicates the number of days elapsed from the first workstation.

Default: 0

Limits: 1 to 4 numeric characters from 0 through 255

Required if the lead time (elapsed time) between workstations in a network causes the schedule to cross any midnight boundary.

Batch keyword: TIME


(Optional) Specifies to define a daily schedule. Daily means every available processing day as defined by the Base Calendar. Enter an X or Y to select this.

Batch keyword: DAILY


(Optional) Specifies that the user wants to define a weekly schedule. Enter an X or Y to select this. If WEEKLY is used, the run days of the week must be selected using the SUN through SAT fields.

Batch keyword: WEEKLY

SUN thru SAT

These fields are used to define specific days of the week on which the network is to be run.


Place an X in panel field names SUN through SAT to indicate the weekly run days.

Limits: Required if WEEKLY is used.

Batch keyword: DAYS


Place an X in any of the seven positions following the batch keyword DAYS to indicate weekly run days. A day is skipped by omitting an X for that day. For example, if a network is to run weekly on Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday, the user would specify:



(Optional) Specifies that the user wants to define a monthly schedule. If this field is used, the user can specify on which particular months the network is to run. If specific months are not specified in the JAN thru DEC fields, all months are assumed. Enter an X or Y to select this.

Batch keyword: MONTHLY

At least WEEK(S) and DAY-OF-WEEK (DOW) or RDAY(S) must be specified if MONTHLY is used.

JAN thru DEC

(Optional) Online:
Place an X in panel field names JAN through DEC to indicate the run months during the year. Used with MONTHLY.

Default: Every month if MONTHLY is used and no months are chosen

Batch keyword: MONTHS


Place an X in any of the 12 positions following the batch keyword MONTHS to indicate run months. A month is skipped by omitting an X for that month. For example, if a network is to run in January, June, July and November, the user would specify:



(Optional) Specifies which weeks of the month the network is to run. Used with MONTHLY and DAY-OF-WEEK. The values specified can be positive (unsigned), negative (-) or slash (/).

Positive values 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 are used to indicate which occurrence of day of week relative to the beginning of the month. Negative values -0, -1, -2, -3, or -4 are used to indicate which occurrence of day of week relative to the end of the month. Slashes indicate it is not the following value.

Limits: 1 to 14 numeric characters

Batch keyword: WEEKS

For example, a network that is to run on the first week of every month and is also to run on the last week of the month, would be entered as:


WEEK:1,-0 (separated by blanks or commas)


WEEKS=1 -0 (separated by blanks)


Specifies which day of the week the network is to be run. Used with WEEK and MONTHLY. If used, must be the first three letters of the wanted run day just as it appears on the panel following the weekly field (for example, SUN, MON, and so on).


(separated by blanks or commas)

Limits: 3 to 27 alphanumeric characters

Required if WEEK is used.

Batch keyword: DOW


DOW=TUE THU (separated by blanks)


(Optional) Specifies relative days of the month on which the network is to run. Used with MONTHLY. A day relative to the beginning or end of the month is specified. If a positive (unsigned) value is used, the network runs that day relative to the first of the month. Negative (-) values are used to indicate run days relative to the end of the month.

Additionally, if you have days of the month when this network is not to run, a slash (/) can be used with the unsigned or negative values. Valid positive values range from 1 to 31. Valid negative values range from -0 to -30.

Limits: 1 to 60 numeric characters

Batch keyword: RDAYS

To understand the meaning and use of RDAY, assume a network is to run daily, but not on the first or last day of each month. The user could select DAILY, MONTHLY and specify:


RDAY:/1,/-0 (separated by a blank or comma)


RDAYS=/1 /-0 (separated by a blank)

Note: RDAY(S) represents calendar days, unless the base calendar was generated with OPTIONS=SCHDYONLY, in which case RDAY(S) represents processing days.


(Optional) Specifies an annual schedule. To select this type of schedule, enter an X or Y in this field. If ANNUAL is used, DAY must also be specified.

Batch keyword: ANNUAL


Specifies on which days of the annual schedule the user wants to run the network. Days are entered as 1 through 366 and are prefixed by positive (unsigned) or slash (/) values. Slash indicates not this day.

Limits: 1 to 55 numeric characters

Required if the ANNUAL option above is chosen.

Batch keyword: ANNDAYS

For example, if a network is to run on days 121, 132, 240, and 241, but is not on days 122, 242, and 1, you would specify:


(separated by blanks or commas)


ANNDAYS=/1 121 /122 132 240 241 /242
(separated by blanks)

By default, days not specifically defined as processing days (with a number) are considered as unscheduled days unless another field such as WEEKLY or MONTHLY schedules those days. The use of the slash (/) examples given previously is only provided here to illustrate the format of the date specification.

The following illustrates a more practical example of using "not days" (/). Assume a network schedule has been defined as every Friday by selecting WEEKLY and FRI. During the week containing Julian day 177 (Friday), the network is to run on Thursday (day 176) instead of Friday. The user would select WEEKLY, FRI, ANNUAL and:




ANNDAYS=/177 176

When specifying annual days in a schedule definition, keep in mind whether this schedule will be resolved for a January through December schedule or a July through June schedule. For January through December resolutions, the Julian dates specified are simply for the year resolved.

For July through June resolutions, July through December dates are for the current year. January through June dates are for the next year.


Reflects the default SCAL value from the previous panel. This value applies to all SCHIDs unless the SCAL field is supplied on the current panel.


(Optional) Used with the START and SPAN fields, defines a symmetric schedule. (This field is misspelled intentionally on the panel to provide compatibility with the batch keyword that cannot exceed eight characters in length.) The selection is made by entering an X or Y. With this option, schedules are defined as beginning on the date specified with the START field and recurring every nnn days as specified in the SPAN field.

Batch keyword: SYMETRIC


Used with the SYMETRIC field, sets a starting day.

Limits: 1 to 3 numeric characters specified as Julian day from 1 to 365

Required if SYMETRIC option is chosen.

Batch keyword: START

If the schedule will be resolved on a July-June basis, the start date must be within the first of the two years in which the schedule overlaps. For January-December schedules, it is simply relative to January 1 of the year specified on a RESOLV command.

If the calendar against which this SCHID will be resolved does not have the OPTIONS=SCHDYONLY, the START day will be adjusted each year to maintain the job's symmetric schedule from the job's original specified START day.

If the calendar against which the SCHID will be resolved was generated with overall available processing days only (OPTIONS=SCHDYONLY), the start date must specify the first day on which the network would actually run. This requires manually setting (verifying) the START value each year before the RESOLV.

If a nonprocessing day is specified, the start day is the next processing day found in the calendar. For example, if January 1 is a nonprocessing day and the calendar was generated with OPTIONS=SCHDYONLY, and 1 is specified as the START day, January 2 is the actual START day (provided it is an available processing day). SPAN is based from January 2 in this example rather than January 1.

For other types of calendars, the start date is determined at RESOLV time based on the ROLL and INDEX options taken.


Used with SYMETRIC and START, defines symmetric schedules. When used, specifies the number of days between scheduled processing cycles.

If the calendar against which the SCHID will be resolved was generated with processing days only (OPTIONS=SCHDYONLY), the SPAN value is specified as the number of available processing days between and including the next processing date as opposed to the actual number of days. With this type of calendar, the ROLL and INDEX options serve no practical purpose. For other calendar types, the SPAN value is specified as the number of calendar days between processing cycles and the ROLL and INDEX options can be used as necessary.

Limits: 1 to 3 numeric characters no greater than 255

Required if the SYMETRIC option is chosen.

Batch keyword: SPAN


Identifies a system-generated field containing the current schedule ID count for this network.