Automated Recovery Facility › Overview
Use the Automated Recovery Facility (ARF) for CA WA CA 7 Edition to monitor exception conditions for production jobs and to schedule recovery actions to execute at or near the point of failure.
Kinds of exception conditions monitored by ARF include, but are not limited to the following:
- Abend exceptions tested at the job or step level.
- Condition code exceptions tested at the job or step level.
- Jobs whose elapsed execution time falls outside a range specified by the user.
- Jobs considered late according to CA WA CA 7 Edition.
- Jobs considered late according to user specified criteria tested when the job begins or completes.
The kinds of recovery actions that can be executed in response to the exception conditions detected by ARF include:
- Scheduling and tracking special recovery jobs.
- Issuing special messages to a specified TSO user or to the MVS console.
- Issuing CA WA CA 7 Edition or MVS commands.
- Restarting, canceling, or forcing the completion of jobs as the final step in the recovery for job completion exceptions.
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