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Add to the New Database

Once the appropriate command data sets have been physically taken to the new site, the DBM adds (parts 1 and 2) must be processed by CA WA CA 7 Edition at that site. Any JCL libraries for CA Panvalet or CA Librarian JCL also must be processed at that site. Either a batch terminal job or a batch execution of CA WA CA 7 Edition could be used to accomplish this. If using the batch execution of CA WA CA 7 Edition, see the Systems Programming Guide for batch execution procedures.

Note: The DBMADDS1 and DBMADDS2 data sets must be processed in the correct sequence. If DBMADDS1 is not processed first, all of the commands in DBMADDS2 are rejected with error messages.

The user should review the amount of available space in the database at the new site before attempting to add the new jobs. Comparing job counts and space allocations at both sites, prior to performing this process, gives the user some idea of how much more space, if any, is needed. This probably was already done when the initial plans were being made for the movement of the workload to the other center. For guidelines about calculating space requirements in the database, see the Systems Programming Guide.

Depending on the number of jobs, documentation lines, and other items being moved, the volume of output from DBM when the commands are processed at the new site could be very large. Normal batch terminal allocations would probably not be large enough to hold all of this. Because documentation is added one record at a time, with a response back after each line in batch, this process alone can require a large allocation.

The output from the maintenance against the new database should be carefully reviewed for accuracy of definitions. Duplicates become obvious. Users must resolve any duplication of names for jobs, networks, and other items manually.