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Add at New Site

If a job has an execution JCL member that resides in a CA Panvalet library, a set of records, including the JCL, is placed in the PANVADDS data set as follows:

   ++ADD membername,DATA
   .     (JCL statements go here)

The member name is the same as it was defined in the original database. The literal DATA preserves any sequence numbers being used in the JCL statements. ++ADD statements are sequence numbered consecutively, in positions 73 through 80. JCL statements, with their own original sequence numbers, are interspersed with these in the PANVADDS data set.

The ++ADD statements produced are listed on the SASSDT30-08 control report that is produced on the file referenced by the ddname of DT30CR08. The JCL statements themselves are not listed.

Any other CA Panvalet control statements that the user may require can be added to this data set before using it at the new site. Because CA WA CA 7 Edition does not provide update access to CA Panvalet libraries, the user must assemble whatever job is needed to add this JCL to another CA Panvalet library at the new site. To determine how this is done, see the CA Panvalet publications.

The new library at the new site and the JCLID values in the JOB commands generated for the jobs that use this JCL must be coordinated to ensure correct definitions at the new site.

Only one such set of records is generated for any single member name no matter how many jobs may have used this member name for their JCL.

SASSDT30-08 Panvalet JCL Member Adds

SASSDT30-08 CA-7 DATA BASE TRANSPORTABILITY PAGE NO. 24 DATE: mm/dd/yy PANVALET JCL MEMBER ADDS *- COMMANDS GENERATED ------------------------------------------------* SEQ.-NO. ++ADD DUSAXX01,DATA U7001220 ++ADD DUSAXX02,DATA U7001221 ++ADD DUSAXX04,DATA U7001222 ++ADD DUSAXX06,DATA U7001223 ++ADD DUSAXX08,DATA U7001224 ++ADD DUSAXX03,DATA U7001225 ++ADD DUSAXX07,DATA U7001226 ++ADD DUSAXX05,DATA U7001227 ++ADD DUSAXX09,DATA U7001228 NO. OF MEMBERS ADDED- 1,228