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Delete at Original Site

Each JCL member copied into the LIBRADDS data set for moving to a new site also has a command generated into the LIBRDELS data set to assist the user in cleaning up the JCL libraries at the original site. The command has the following format:

   -DLM membername

The membername is the member name used in the database. For other requirements, see the CA Librarian publications.

Each -DLM command generated is listed on the SASSDT30-07 control report produced on the file referenced by the ddname DT30CR07. These commands are sequence numbered in positions 73 through 80 in the LIBRDELS data set.

Only one command is generated for any single member name no matter how many jobs may have used this member name for their JCL.

Following is a sample of the SASSDT30-07 report:

SASSDT30-07 Librarian JCL Member Deletes

SASSDT30-07 CA-7 DATA BASE TRANSPORTABILITY PAGE NO. 24 DATE: mm/dd/yy LIBRARIAN JCL MEMBER DELETES *- COMMANDS GENERATED ------------------------------------------------* SEQ.-NO. -DLM DUSAXX01 U7001220 -DLM DUSAXX02 U7001221 -DLM DUSAXX04 U7001222 -DLM DUSAXX06 U7001223 -DLM DUSAXX08 U7001224 -DLM DUSAXX03 U7001225 -DLM DUSAXX07 U7001226 -DLM DUSAXX05 U7001227 -DLM DUSAXX09 U7001228 NO. OF MEMBERS DELETED- 1,228