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If a job has an execution JCL member residing in a PDS library, a set of commands, including the JCL, are generated into the DBMADDS1 data set, to perform the DBM JCL function, as follows:

   I ,
   .   (JCL statements go here)

The member name is the same as defined in the original database. The other parameters allow the JCL to be placed in a library with the same sequence numbers that existed before.

JCL statements carry whatever sequence numbers previously existed in positions 73 through 80. The other statements are sequence numbered consecutively in positions 73 through 80.

Each JCL and SAVE,membername,JCLID=nnn statement produced are listed on the SASSDT30-01 control report. The actual JCL statements and the other generated commands in each of these sets are not listed.

Only one such set of records is generated for any single member name no matter how many jobs may have used this member name for their JCL.

The JCL for jobs that already include a $IEND cannot be moved with DBT. This JCL has to be copied externally from the DBT process.

More information:

JCL and PARM Data Maintenance