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Delete at Original Site

For each job being moved, the following set of commands is generated into the DBMDELTS data set to perform the DBM JOB or XPJOB deletion function at the original site:




The commands are sequence numbered in positions 73 through 80 and listed on the SASSDT30-03 Database Deletes report. Some other deletion functions are also listed on that report because their commands are written to the DBMDELTS data set.

Deletion of the JCL for the job is performed separately with another set of commands. Deletion of associated documentation and schedules occurs automatically when the job is deleted at the original site.

The DB.1 panel function DD not only deletes a job but also definitions of any data sets for which this job was the last "using-job" reference. If the user wants to use that function instead of the default DELETE function, the JOBDD keyword must be specified in the PARM data for Job 3.

SASSDT30-03 Data Base Deletes

SASSDT30-03 CA-7 DATA BASE TRANSPORTABILITY PAGE NO. 18 DATE: mm/dd/yy DATA BASE DELETES *- COMMANDS GENERATED ------------------------------------------------- SEQ.-NO. JOB U7001119 DELETE,DUSAXX09 U7001120 JCL U7001121 DELETE,DUSAXX09,DSN=PAYROLL.JCLLIB,VOL=M80007 U7001122 XPJOB U7001123 DELETE,XPSICOM1 U7001124 AGJOB U7001125 DELETE,AGJOB01 U7001126 NO. OF 'DELETES' FOR: JOBS- 175 JCL- 136 NWKS- 248 SYS/PROSE- 2

More information:

Job 3