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Execution JCL Libraries

This process provides the commands and JCL statements necessary to add the JCL to a library at the new site. The execution JCL is added exactly as it appeared in LJCL output at the original site except for embedded blank records. Any records that are completely blank in positions 1-80 are ignored. The commands use the same member names as those used at the original site.

It is also assumed that the new site uses the same number and types of JCL libraries as those used at the original site. This is typically the case. Using a different DSORG value at the new site makes it more difficult to use the generated commands because they are generated assuming that the same DSORG is used and the commands are quite different depending on the type of library being used.

It is further assumed that the libraries use the same JCLID or JCLLIB values. This is probably not a good assumption because the chance of duplication across two data centers is great, especially in the use of the default ID of zero. However, as long as a one-to-one relationship exists between the libraries at the two sites, all references to any one library in the generated BTI commands can be globally edited to another value to reflect whatever JCLID or JCLLIB value is used at the new site.

The DBT discussion repeatedly uses JCL references, assuming jobs are CPU jobs. However, when thinking of internal cross-platform jobs, the reader can substitute PARMLIB or the parameters in the sentence without hesitation.

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Cataloged Procedures