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Character Translation

CA WA CA 7 Edition translates all online character data to uppercase unless the text editor is used in Full Edit Mode. If you use FEM, character data is translated or not depending on the case setting. If the case setting is UPPER, all character data are translated to uppercase. If the case setting is MIXED, characters on data lines are left untranslated. The FEM subcommands MIXED and UPPER can be used to change the case setting. The status line reports the current case setting.

On entry to the CA 7 editor in Full Edit Mode (FEM) for CA7TOUNI CPU jobs and for all internal cross-platform jobs, the default case setting is always MIXED, regardless of the options set or the data contained in the text being edited. You can change this setting to 'UPPER' if you want only uppercase data.

On entry to the CA 7 editor in Full Edit Mode, the case setting is UPPER unless lowercase characters are detected. In that event, the initial case setting is MIXED.

If the case setting is changed to UPPER,all character data in the editor is translated to uppercase when it is saved to the active area. If data is not saved, the case setting only affects the current data display.

The case setting cannot be changed unless INITCASE=Y is specified on the OPTIONS statement in the initialization file. If this value is not specified, the case setting is always set to UPPER and cannot be changed.

When data is stored in the database or queue files, it is compressed using control codes for repeated characters.