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Full Edit Mode (FEM)

Full Edit Mode is entered through the EDIT command, by the FE (Fetch Edit) function, or through the FEM command if already in the Alternate Edit Mode. The FEM command can only be entered as a command from the Alternate Edit Mode. FEM reduces the number of operations in editing data. It also allows greater text change flexibility.

Normally, when FEM is entered, the edit work file (EWF) is positioned at the top. It is possible, however, when entering FEM from the Alternate Edit Mode, to specify a starting sequence number. For example, FEM 5725 would place the user in Full Edit Mode beginning at the line (or next highest) whose sequence number is 5725.

A Full Edit Mode (FEM) panel consists of six areas of information:

  1. Scale Line
  2. Status Information
  3. Data Area
  4. Command Area
  5. Message Line
  6. Sequence Numbers/Subcommands

The first area, containing the scale line, appears at the top and bottom of the display. This allows for column-oriented changes in the data area. (An asterisk denotes the last effective column.)

The second area contains status information. It appears on the right half of line two. Items of information found here are FILL/NOFILL, MIXED/UPPER case setting, insert increment I (010) and NUM/NONUM.

The third area is the active area. It contains information residing in the edit work file (EWF).

The fourth area on the FEM panel, the command line, appears on the left half of line two. It is from this line that the commands are input. When the text editor is first entered and the EWF is empty, lines must be inserted with an INSERTnnn command to enable input to the EWF.

The fifth area is the message line on the last panel display line. When an error occurs or specific status is required, this line is used. Under normal processing, this line remains blank.

The sixth area on the FEM panel contains the sequence numbers of the data lines being displayed. This area is used as a subcommand area to delete lines, insert blank lines and position the display. More than one subcommand can appear in a single sequence number.

The following rules apply when the data area, subcommand (sequence number field) and command lines are used and the Enter key is pressed:

FEM Subcommands

The following subcommands can be placed in the sequence number area:


Positions the display to this line. The last P found on the page is honored.


Deletes the line at this sequence number from the EWF (edit work file).


Deletes this line and all subsequent lines to the next DD or end of page.

Note: A DD in the first sequence field of the page when no other DDs are coded deletes all lines on the current page from the EWF once Enter is pressed.


Inserts nnn blank lines after the line where the I appears. nnn must be from 1 to 255. Leading zeros are not required. The number of blank lines (nnn) to be inserted must be truncated by a blank, another subcommand (I, P, D, DD, or R), the EOF key (erase to End of Field) or the end of the sequence field. These blank lines physically exist in the EWF and can be altered by making changes in the data area of subsequent displays. If not truncated, the sequence numbers remaining are considered part of the lines to be inserted.


Repeats nnn lines after the line where the R appears. The line where the R appears is repeated. nnn must be from 1 to 255 and must be truncated as in Innn.

Note: Errors in subcommands cause the subcommand to be ignored with no error notification.

Editor Command Descriptions

The following details the commands available under the CA 7 text editor. (The short form of the command is underlined.)


Positions the FEM display to the bottom of the EWF. Available in FEM only.

BREAK [nn]

Changes the maximum number of lines to be displayed when the EWF is listed. Value of nn can be from 00 to 99. The default is 99 lines. BREAK with no parameter establishes the default. Available in FEM and AEM.


Deletes all lines in the edit work file (EWF). Lines of information added by the EDIT commands, or those already present in the Active Area when the text editor was entered, are deleted. Available in FEM and AEM.

COL [n,m]

Displays only columns n through m for data area changes. The column where the asterisk appears on the scale line is the last affected column. The maximum number of columns displayed is 72. COL specified with no parameters sets the default columns of 1 through 72. Available in FEM only.

COPY i[,m,n,t]

Duplicates lines m through n and places them after line i, t number of times. When n is omitted, line m through the last line are copied t number of times. Two commas must separate the m and t values when n is omitted. When both m and n are omitted, the last line of the edit work file (EWF) is copied t number of times and three commas must precede the t. When t is omitted, a default of 1 is assumed. Sequence numbers are assigned to the inserted lines using the current system increment value (see INSERT). The first line copied or moved after the insert line (i) is assigned a sequence number of i plus the current system increment value. All subsequent inserted lines are renumbered using the system increment value. When many new lines are inserted, existing lines following the insert point can be renumbered (using the current system increment) to ensure that the EWF remains in sequence. Available in FEM and AEM.

DELETE m[,n]

Removes lines from the EWF. When n is omitted, only line m is deleted. When both m and n are specified, lines m through n are deleted. Available in AEM.


Manipulates specified character strings of data, lines of data, or columns for reentry into the EWF. The following EDIT commands are discussed separately. These are only available in AEM.


Enters Edit List mode. Lines displayed can be changed by keying the changes into the EWF and pressing Enter. A line displayed on the panel can be deleted by keying $EDEL in the first five characters, or by positioning the cursor at the first character of the line and pressing the EOF key (erase to End-of-Field). Panels are returned until either the end of the EWF is reached, line n is displayed, or $EEND is keyed on the last line. ($EEND can be keyed on any line to exit Edit List mode. Any lines displayed from the $EEND to the end of the current Edit List output page, however, are deleted from the EWF.)

EDIT /string/[m,n]

Searches the EWF for the string specified. Slash (/) can be any special character and is used as the string delimiter. All lines found from m through n with the specified string of characters are displayed at the terminal. When n is omitted, only line m is scanned. When both m and n are omitted, the entire EWF is scanned. The maximum number of characters for the string is 54.

EDIT /string1/string2/[m,n]

Replaces character string1 with character string2. All occurrences of string1 from line m through n are replaced by string2. When n is omitted, only line m is scanned for string1. When both m and n are omitted, the entire EWF is scanned. The maximum number of characters for string1 and string2 is 54.

EDIT /string//[m,n]

Deletes a string of characters. All occurrences of the string from line m through n are deleted. When n is omitted, only line m is scanned for the string. When both m and n are omitted, the entire EWF is scanned. The maximum number of characters for the string is 54.

EDIT //string//[m,n]

Replaces the contents of the edit columns with the string, regardless of the current character content. For all lines m through n, the current edit columns are spaced out and the string is left-justified into this area. When n is omitted, only line m is changed. When both m and n are omitted, the entire EWF is changed. The maximum number of characters for the string is 54.

EDIT x[,y]

Changes the start and end columns to be scanned by the other EDIT commands. When y is omitted, x is the new end column. When x and y are both specified, x is the new beginning column and y is the new end column. When y is specified, x must always be less than or equal to y. The values of x and y must be from 1 to 80.

The following are examples of this command:

This example changes scan columns to be columns 73 through 80.

EDIT 73,80

This example fills columns 73 through 80 with SASSEDIT.


This example resets scan columns.

E 1,72

Returns to the original function that invoked the text editor. The contents of the active area are not replaced by the edited EWF. This command is used to exit the text editor without changing the contents of the active area. See SAVE for changing the active area contents. Available in FEM and AEM.

FEM [n]

Used to enter Full Edit Mode (FEM). n is the sequence of the first line of information to be positioned in the display. If n is omitted, the top of the EWF is assumed.


Indicates trailing spaces in the data area of the display are to be preserved. Data area changes made by positioning to the end of displayed lines are not left-justified to the first nonblank character on the line. Available in FEM only.

FIND /xxx...x/[n,m]

Searches for a given string of characters (xxx...x) and positions the display at the next line containing those characters. The slash (/) characters are the string delimiters and can be any special characters. Searching is always forward from the current line. To initiate the search from the beginning of the display, first enter the TOP command and then the FIND command. FIND always initiates the search for the next occurrence of the character string. The n and m limits the search to between lines n through m of the current command. If m is omitted, only line n is searched if it follows the top line of the display. If n and m are omitted, the EWF is searched forward from the current position. The string xxx...x is retained. Subsequent FIND commands with no operands search forward for the last string of characters specified by FIND. Available in FEM only. The following is an example of this command.

The following example searches forward after the first line displayed for the next line containing ABC. A subsequent FIND positions the display to the next line containing ABC. If ABC is not found after searching forward, the display is positioned at the top. A subsequent FIND then searches for ABC in any following line. Available in FEM only.

FIND /ABC/0,99999
HB [n]

Positions the display n half-pages backward. If omitted, n is assumed to be 1. Available in FEM only.

HF [n]

Positions the display n half-pages forward. If omitted, n is assumed to be 1. Available in FEM only.

INSERT [m,i]

Used to request Data Insert processing. The operator fills a page with input lines and presses Enter. The lines are then added to the EWF and a new blank panel with continued sequence numbers is presented for more input. To terminate Data Insert processing, either key in $IEND after the last line to be inserted, or enter a null line after the last line to be inserted.

When both m and i are specified, Data Insert mode processing adds lines beginning with line m, incremented by i. When i is omitted, m changes the system increment value for the INSERT, MOVE and COPY commands. The default of i is 10. If line m exists in the EWF, Insert mode is established at line m + i (lines are inserted after line m). Line m is not altered. If both m and i are omitted, Insert mode is established at the end of the EWF. (In this case, a comma must be used to indicate the absence of m and i, if sequence numbers are in 73-80.) The first inserted line has a sequence number consisting of the last sequence number in the file plus the current edit increment. The increment value specified here is reflected in the status information. The INSERT command can be requested in either AEM or FEM. If entered in FEM, control is passed to the editor in AEM for the duration of Data Insert processing, and is returned to the editor in FEM when processing is complete.

Note: Mixed case support is available only in FEM. Hence, all data added during Data Insert processing will be translated to uppercase.

JCL nnn[,yyddd,hhmm]

CA-Driver procedures are expanded, if used. Then CA WA CA 7 Edition scans the EWF and reports syntax errors. The format of the report depends on whether the default or the complete version of CA JCLCheck is used. After the report is displayed, control is returned to the editor environment where the JCL subcommand was invoked. Default values for schedule ID, date and time are used in CA-Driver procedures and in #JI/#JO statements unless those values are overridden. Use nnn to override the default SCHID (1). The default date (current date) can be overridden using yyddd. Use hhmm to override the default time (current time).

JCLL nnn[,yyddd,hhmm]

CA-Driver procedures are expanded, if used. Then CA WA CA 7 Edition scans the EWF and lists the JCL statements along with any syntax errors detected. The format of the report depends on whether the default or the complete version of CA JCLCheck is used. After the report is displayed, control is returned to the editor environment where the JCLL subcommand was invoked. Default values for schedule ID, date and time are used in CA-Driver procedures and in #JI/#JO statements unless those values are overridden. Use nnn to override the default SCHID (1). The default date (current date) can be overridden using yyddd. Use hhmm to override the default time (current time).

JCLS nnn[,yyddd,hhmm]

CA-Driver procedures are expanded, if used. Then CA WA CA 7 Edition scans the EWF and reports syntax errors. The format of the report depends on whether the default or the complete version of CA JCLCheck is used. A SAVE subcommand is processed if no errors are detected and control is returned to the point where the editor was invoked. If errors are detected then after the report is displayed, control will return to the editor environment where the JCLS subcommand was issued. Default values for schedule ID, date and time are used in CA-Driver procedures and in #JI/#JO statements unless those values are overridden. Use nnn to override the default SCHID (1). The default date (current date) can be overridden using yyddd. Use hhmm to override the default time (current time).

JCLSR nnn[,yyddd,hhmm]

CA-Driver procedures are expanded, if used. Then CA WA CA 7 Edition scans the EWF and reports syntax errors. The format of the report depends on whether the default or the complete version of CA JCLCheck is used. An SR subcommand is processed if no errors are detected and control is returned to the point where the editor was invoked. If errors are detected then after the report is displayed, control will return to the editor environment where the JCLSR subcommand was issued. Default values for schedule ID, date and time are used in CA-Driver procedures and in #JI/#JO statements unless those values are overridden. Use nnn to override the default SCHID (1). The default date (current date) can be overridden using yyddd. Use hhmm to override the default time (current time).

JCLSS nnn[,yyddd,hhmm]

CA-Driver procedures are expanded, if used. Then CA WA CA 7 Edition scans the EWF and reports syntax errors. The format of the report depends on whether the default or the complete version of CA JCLCheck is used. An SS subcommand is processed if no errors are detected and control is returned to the point where the editor was invoked. If errors are detected then after the report is displayed, control will return to the editor environment where the JCLSS subcommand was issued. Default values for schedule ID, date and time are used in CA-Driver procedures and in #JI/#JO statements unless those values are overridden. Use nnn to override the default SCHID (1). The default date (current date) can be overridden using yyddd. Use hhmm to override the default time (current time).

LIST [m,n]

Displays the contents of the EWF. When n is omitted, only line m is displayed. When both m and n are specified, all lines from m through n are displayed within the limits of the current BREAK value. When m and n are both omitted, the entire EWF is listed within the limits of the current BREAK value. Available in AEM only.

MD [n]

Moves the display to the sequence number specified by n. If n is 0 or omitted, MD is equivalent to the TOP command. If n is 99999, MD is equivalent to the BOTTOM command. Available in FEM only.


Changes the current case setting to mixed case. If the current case setting is 'MIXED' then characters will not be translated, thus allowing both uppercase and lowercase characters to be entered. For more information about changing the case setting, see the discussion of the UPPER command in this section.

MIXED is always the default setting for CA7TOUNI jobs and for all internal cross-platform jobs, regardless of any options set and data contained in the file. With CPU jobs, other than CA7TOUNI jobs, the following applies:

The initial case setting is 'UPPER' unless lowercase characters are detected. If lowercase characters are detected and INITCASE=Y is specified on the OPTIONS statement in the CA WA CA 7 Edition initialization file, the initial case setting is 'MIXED'.

This subcommand is not valid unless INITCASE=Y is specified on the OPTIONS statement in the CA WA CA 7 Edition initialization file.

MOVE i[,m,n,t]

Places lines m through n after line i, t number of times. When n is omitted, m is the only line moved. When both m and n are omitted, the last line of the EWF is moved. When t is omitted, a default of 1 is assumed. Sequence numbers are assigned to the inserted lines using the current system increment value (see INSERT). The first line copied or moved after the insert line i is assigned a sequence number of i plus the current system increment value. All subsequent inserted lines are renumbered using the system increment value. When many new lines are inserted, existing lines following the insert point can be renumbered (using the current system increment) to ensure that the EWF remains in sequence. Available in AEM and FEM.

Note: When m or n are omitted, commas must be specified to denote the omission of these positional parameters.


Indicates that trailing spaces in the data area of the display are not preserved. Data area changes made by positioning to the end of displayed lines are left-justified to the first nonblank character of the line. Spaces must be inserted to hold position. Available in FEM only.


Indicates that sequence numbers are external to the data. (Same as the XSEQ.) Available in FEM only.


Indicates that sequence numbers are to be found in lines 76 through 80 of the data. (Same as XSEQ OFF.) Available in FEM only.

PB [n]

Positions the display n pages backward. If omitted, n is assumed to be 1. Available in FEM only.

PF [n]

Positions the display n pages forward. If omitted, n is assumed to be 1. Available in FEM only.


Renumbers the entire EWF. Both m and i are required. m is the number to be assigned to the first line of the EWF. i is the increment for each succeeding line number. Available in FEM and AEM.


Used to enter the Alternate Edit Mode from FEM.


Used to return to the original function that invoked the text editor. The contents of the active area are replaced by the current EWF. This command is used to exit the text editor with the edited EWF replacing the active area. Available in FEM and AEM.


Indicates whether a column indicator heading is to be displayed on each output page. SCALE OFF turns off Scale mode. SCALE with no operand displays the column scale. Available in AEM only.


Performs two functions, SAVE and REPL. The current EWF replaces the active area, control returns to the panel that was used to enter the text editor, and a REPL function is performed. Available in FEM and AEM.

Note: If JCL or PARM data is being replaced in the request queue, the SR command also sets an outstanding JCL or PARM data override requirement off.


Performs two functions, SAVE and SAVE. The current EWF replaces the active area, control returns to the panel used to enter the text editor, and a SAVE function is performed. Available in FEM and AEM.


Displays current information about the EWF. This information consists of the number of lines in the EWF, last line number, edit scan columns, and so on. Press Enter to redisplay the EDIT panel after a STATUS command. Available in FEM and AEM.


Positions the display to the top of the EWF. Available in FEM only.


Sets on (TRACE EDIT) or sets off (TRACE OFF) the tracing of lines altered by the editor commands. With TRACE on, each line changed by the EDIT command is displayed. (BREAK does not apply.) Available in FEM and AEM.


Changes the current case setting to uppercase. If the current case setting is 'UPPER' then all characters will be translated to uppercase.

The initial case setting is 'UPPER' unless lowercase characters are detected. If lowercase characters are detected and INITCASE=Y is specified on the OPTIONS statement in the CA WA CA 7 Edition initialization file then the initial case setting is 'MIXED'.

Note: For CA7TOUNI CPU jobs and for all internal cross-platform jobs, the initial setting is always MIXED. You can specify UPPER if you want to have all data translated to uppercase characters.


Establishes External Sequence mode. XSEQ alone indicates that the sequence numbers are to be external to the 1- to 80-character line image. XSEQ OFF indicates that columns 76 through 80 of the line image are to be the sequence number field. When an active area is saved and XSEQ is in effect, the contents of columns 76 through 80 are the same values present when the text editor was entered. When XSEQ OFF is in effect and an active area is saved, the current line number for each line replaces columns 76 through 80 of the line. Available in FEM and AEM.

FEM Sample Panels

The following are FEM sample panels. Each panel displays the use of subcommands in the sequence field areas or changes made to the data area.

The following panel shows five of the six areas discussed previously. The last area of the panel, the message line, is blank.

FEM Sample Panel 1

----+----10---+----20---+----30---+----40---+----50---+----60---+----70* PF NOFILL I(010) 00010 //DUSAXX01 JOB HE67YFSH,ACPAY,REGION=40K,TIME=0003,CLASS=A 00020 /*ROUTE PRINT RMT1 00030 //STEP1 EXEC PGM=IEBGENER 00040 #JI,ID=1 00050 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00060 #MSG,* NETWORK RUN AS SCHID OF 1 * 00070 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00080 #JI,ID=2 00090 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00100 #MSG,* NETWORK RUN AS SCHID OF 2 * 00110 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00120 #JI,ID=3 00130 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00140 #MSG,* NETWORK RUN AS SCHID OF 3 * 00150 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00160 #JI,ID=4 00170 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00180 #MSG,* NETWORK RUN AS SCHID OF 4 * 00190 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00200 #JEND ----+----10---+----20---+----30---+----40---+----50---+----60---+----70*

The following panel reflects a data area change on line 60 of FEM Sample Panel 1. Make changes by keying over existing line data and then pressing Enter.

FEM Sample Panel 2

----+----10---+----20---+----30---+----40---+----50---+----60---+----70* PF NOFILL I(010) 00010 //DUSAXX01 JOB HE67YFSH,ACPAY,REGION=40K,TIME=0003,CLASS=A 00020 /*ROUTE PRINT RMT1 00030 //STEP1 EXEC PGM=IEBGENER 00040 #JI,ID=1 00050 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00060 #MSG,* THIS IS A CHANGE EXAMPLE * 00070 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00080 #JI,ID=2 00090 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00100 #MSG,* NETWORK RUN AS SCHID OF 2 * 00110 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00120 #JI,ID=3 00130 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00140 #MSG,* NETWORK RUN AS SCHID OF 3 * 00150 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00160 #JI,ID=4 00170 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00180 #MSG,* NETWORK RUN AS SCHID OF 4 * 00190 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00200 #JEND ----+----10---+----20---+----30---+----40---+----50---+----60---+----70*

The following panel reflects the request for deletion of three lines from the EWF. You can place a D in any position of the sequence field to delete the line.

Note: For the results of this edit, see FEM Sample Panel 4.

FEM Sample Panel 3

----+----10---+----20---+----30---+----40---+----50---+----60---+----70* PF NOFILL I(010) 00010 //DUSAXX01 JOB HE67YFSH,ACPAY,REGION=40K,TIME=0003,CLASS=A 00020 /*ROUTE PRINT RMT1 00030 //STEP1 EXEC PGM=IEBGENER 00040 #JI,ID=1 00050 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00060 #MSG,* THIS IS A CHANGE EXAMPLE * 00070 #MSG,******************************************************************* D0080 #JI,ID=2 00090 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00100 #MSG,* NETWORK RUN AS SCHID OF 2 * 00110 #MSG,******************************************************************* 0012D #JI,ID=3 00130 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00140 #MSG,* NETWORK RUN AS SCHID OF 3 * 00150 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00D60 #JI,ID=4 00170 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00180 #MSG,* NETWORK RUN AS SCHID OF 4 * 00190 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00200 #JEND ----+----10---+----20---+----30---+----40---+----50---+----60---+----70*

The following panel reflects the results of the edit performed in FEM Sample Panel 3 deleting three lines: 00080, 00120, and 00160.

Now a P is placed in the sequence field on line 100.

Note: For the results, see FEM Sample Panel 5.

FEM Sample Panel 4

----+----10---+----20---+----30---+----40---+----50---+----60---+----70* PF NOFILL I(010) 00010 //DUSAXX01 JOB HE67YFSH,ACPAY,REGION=40K,TIME=0003,CLASS=A 00020 /*ROUTE PRINT RMT1 00030 //STEP1 EXEC PGM=IEBGENER 00040 #JI,ID=1 00050 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00060 #MSG,* THIS IS A CHANGE EXAMPLE * 00070 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00090 #MSG,******************************************************************* P0100 #MSG,* NETWORK RUN AS SCHID OF 2 00110 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00130 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00140 #MSG,* NETWORK RUN AS SCHID OF 3 * 00150 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00170 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00180 #MSG,* NETWORK RUN AS SCHID OF 4 * 00190 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00200 #JEND ----+----10---+----20---+----30---+----40---+----50---+----60---+----70*

The following panel reflects the result of the P subcommand to position the display from FEM Sample Panel 4 to line 100.

Now an I3 is placed in sequence line 200.

Note: For the results, see FEM Sample Panel 6.

FEM Sample Panel 5

----+----10---+----20---+----30---+----40---+----50---+----60---+----70* PF NOFILL I(010) 00100 #MSG,* NETWORK RUN AS SCHID OF 2 * 00110 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00130 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00140 #MSG,* NETWORK RUN AS SCHID OF 3 * 00150 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00170 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00180 #MSG,* NETWORK RUN AS SCHID OF 4 * 00190 #MSG,******************************************************************* I3 00 #JEND 00210 //SYSIN DD DUMMY 00220 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A 00230 //SYSUT2 DD DSN=CA7.TEST1, 00240 // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),UNIT=DISKA,VOL=SER=LIB112,SPACE=(TRK,1), 00250 // DCB=(RECFM=F,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=80) 00260 //SYSUT1 DD *,DCB=BLKSIZE=80 00270 /* 00280 //STEP2 EXEC PGM=SASSTRLR,PARM=ACT 00290 //STEPLIB DD DSN=user-defined-CA-7-loadlib,DISP=SHR 00300 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A 00310 //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=A,DCB=BLKSIZE=133 ----+----10---+----20---+----30---+----40---+----50---+----60---+----70*

The following panel reflects the result of the I subcommand to insert three blank lines after line 200. An I3 (I3space) was entered in the sequence field of line 200. The inserted lines were incremented by 10, the line increment value on the status line. The previous line 210 has been renumbered to 240. All subsequent lines are renumbered as necessary to retain ascending sequence numbers in the EWF.

Now a DD is placed in sequence lines 150 and 200. For the results, see FEM Sample Panel 7.

FEM Sample Panel 6

----+----10---+----20---+----30---+----40---+----50---+----60---+----70* PF NOFILL I(010) 00100 #MSG,* NETWORK RUN AS SCHID OF 2 * 00110 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00130 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00140 #MSG,* NETWORK RUN AS SCHID OF 3 * DD150 #MSG,*********************************************************** 00170 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00180 #MSG,* NETWORK RUN AS SCHID OF 4 * 00190 #MSG,******************************************************************* DD200 #JEND 00210 00220 00230 00240 //SYSIN DD DUMMY 00250 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A 00260 //SYSUT2 DD DSN=CA7.TEST1, 00270 // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),UNIT=DISKA,VOL=SER=LIB112,SPACE=(TRK,1), 00280 // DCB=(RECFM=F,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=80) 00290 //SYSUT1 DD *,DCB=BLKSIZE=80 00300 /* 00310 //STEP2 EXEC PGM=SASSTRLR,PARM=ACT ----+----10---+----20---+----30---+----40---+----50---+----60---+----70*

The following panel reflects the result of the DD subcommand to delete multiple lines from the EWF. A DD was placed in the sequence field of lines 150 and 200 of FEM Sample Panel 6. Lines 150 through 200 are deleted from the EWF.

FEM Sample Panel 7

----+----10---+----20---+----30---+----40---+----50---+----60---+----70* PF NOFILL I(010) 00100 #MSG,* NETWORK RUN AS SCHID OF 2 * 00110 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00130 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00140 #MSG,* NETWORK RUN AS SCHID OF 3 * 00210 00220 00230 00240 //SYSIN DD DUMMY 00250 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A 00260 //SYSUT2 DD DSN=CA7.TEST1, 00270 // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),UNIT=DISKA,VOL=SER=LIB112,SPACE=(TRK,1), 00280 // DCB=(RECFM=F,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=80) 00290 //SYSUT1 DD *,DCB=BLKSIZE=80 00300 /* 00310 //STEP2 EXEC PGM=SASSTRLR,PARM=ACT 00320 //STEPLIB DD DSN=user-defined-CA-7-loadlib,DISP=SHR 00330 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A 00340 //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=A,DCB=BLKSIZE=133 00350 //SYSIN DD *,DCB=BLKSIZE=80 00360 /LOGON MASTER ----+----10---+----20---+----30---+----40---+----50---+----60---+----70*

The following panel reflects multiple subcommands entered on the panel.

FEM Sample Panel 8

----+----10---+----20---+----30---+----40---+----50---+----60---+----70* PF NOFILL I(010) 00100 #MSG,* NETWORK RUN AS SCHID OF 2 * 00110 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00130 #MSG,******************************************************************* 00140 #MSG,* NETWORK RUN AS SCHID OF 3 * 00210 00220 00230 00240 //SYSIN DD DUMMY 00250 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A P0260 //SYSUT2 DD DSN=CA7.TEST1, 00270 // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),UNIT=DISKA,VOL=SER=LIB112,SPACE=(TRK,1), 00280 // DCB=(RECFM=F,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=80) D0290 //SYSUT1 DD *,DCB=BLKSIZE=80 00300 /* DD310 //STEP2 EXEC PGM=SASSTRLR,PARM=ACT 00320 //STEPLIB DD DSN=user-defined-CA-7-loadlib,DISP=SHR DD330 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A 00340 //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=A,DCB=BLKSIZE=133 I2 50 //SYSIN DD *,DCB=BLKSIZE=80 00360 /LOGON MASTER ----+----10---+----20---+----30---+----40---+----50---+----60---+----70*

The following panel reflects the results of multiple subcommands entered on the panel displayed in FEM Sample Panel 8. A P was placed in sequence number 260. A D was placed in sequence 290. A DD was entered in sequence numbers 310 and 330. An I2 and one blank were placed in sequence 350.

FEM Sample Panel 9

----+----10---+----20---+----30---+----40---+----50---+----60---+----70* PF NOFILL I(010) 00260 //SYSUT2 DD DSN=CA7.TEST1, 00270 // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),UNIT=DISKA,VOL=SER=LIB112,SPACE=(TRK,1), 00280 // DCB=(RECFM=F,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=80) 00300 /* 00340 //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=A,DCB=BLKSIZE=133 00350 //SYSIN DD *,DCB=BLKSIZE=80 00360 00370 00380 /LOGON MASTER 00390 DEMAND,JOB=DUSAXX02,LEADTM=100 00400 //STEP3 EXEC PGM=IEBGENER 00410 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A 00420 //SYSIN DD DUMMY 00430 //SYSUT2 DD DSN=CA7.TEST2, 00440 // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),UNIT=DISKA,VOL=SER=LIB112,SPACE=(TRK,1), 00450 // DCB=(RECFM=F,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=80) 00460 //SYSUT1 DD *,DCB=BLKSIZE=80 00470 CONTROL CARD 00480 /* ----+----10---+----20---+----30---+----40---+----50---+----60---+----70*