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DB.5 - Input/Output Network Definition Panel

The Input/Output Network Definition panel lets you define networks of workstations at which manual tasks are performed.

To display the panel, enter:

To exit the panel:

------------------- CA-7 INPUT/OUTPUT NETWORK DEFINITION ------------------- FUNCTION: xxxxxxxx (ADD,DELETE,FORMAT,LIST,UPD) NETWORK: xxxxxxxx TYPE: xxxxxx SUB-ID: xxxxxxxx JOB: xxxxxxxx SCHD PROSE: xxxxxxxx STATION 1: xxxxxxxx STATION 2: xxxxxxxx STATION 3: xxxxxxxx STATION 4: xxxxxxxx STATION 5: xxxxxxxx STATION 6: xxxxxxxx STATION 7: xxxxxxxx STATION 8: xxxxxxxx STATION 9: xxxxxxxx PROGRAM: SM40 MSG-INDX: nn -- DB.5 -- yy.ddd / hh:mm:ss MESSAGE:

This panel contains the following fields:


Specifies the function to perform. Value must be the name of some other panel or one of the following:


Adds a network to the database.


Deletes a network, and its associated documentation and schedules, from the database.

Note: A network cannot be deleted when it is connected to a job.


Clears the panel of all user input data.


Lists the database information. In batch, a formatted panel is not listed; only a found or not found message is returned.


Updates network information in the database.

Batch keyword: Positional parameter


Specifies the network on which to perform the indicated function. Must be a network name.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters

Batch keyword: Positional parameter


Specifies the value must be INPUT or OUTPUT to indicate the type of network.

Limits: Required for ADD and UPD functions. Optional for DELETE, FORMAT, and LIST functions.

Batch keyword: Positional parameter


(Optional) Specifies further description of the network's duties.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters

Batch keyword: SUBID

Output Networks: Specify the SUBID on the DB.3.4 connection. Then, this sub-ID is shown on subsequent inquiries.

Input Networks: The SUBID specified here shows on various inquiries. For example, if handling of input data is required for the network, the task number of the user, job number, or control number for the data can be defined as the sub-ID.


(Optional) Specifies a job name. For this job, the schedule associated with the output network is assumed to be accurate and is not adjusted based on job due-out time. For all other connected jobs, the network's scheduling parameters for time-of-day are adjusted as if the network entered the postprocessing queue at the job's due-out time.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters

Batch keyword: JOB


(Optional) Designates the name of some other network whose DB.4.2 member, #QDESC segment, is used for special documentation messages. Schedule Scan prints the messages when this network enters the queue. Cannot be used if this network has a DB.4.2 member that is defined for it.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters

Batch keyword: SCHPROSE


Enables entry of up to nine workstations into this network. Enter the station names in the sequence in which the corresponding workstation tasks are performed. The same station name can be used more than once, but the names must have a correlation to the STANIDS or LTERM names as defined in the initialization file. These station names must not conflict with any existing network names. For BTI input, make the station names a sublist. For example:


Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters, and at least one entry is required.

Batch keyword: STAT

Note: To remove a station, place an asterisk (*) in that STATION field and use the UPD function. However, if the network has a schedule, an update cannot change the number of stations in a network.