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#QDESC Segment Usage

One feature of the Special Purpose Documentation facility applies to job and network documentation. The following paragraphs provide explanations and examples of these Special Documentation capabilities.

If the user wants special job or network documentation to be automatically routed to a predetermined terminal when the task enters the queue, the reserved documentation segment name #QDESC should be used, within the job or network documentation. An example follows with the # sign always in position 1 of the segment delimiter statements.

   .    special documentation for the job or network

When the job enters the queue, any QDESC documentation for the task is automatically routed to the terminal defined on the DB.1 panel (LTERM value), or the initialization file JCL statement, LTERM value, or if neither of these is specified, to the MASTER station. When a network enters the preprocessing or postprocessing queue, any QDESC documentation is automatically routed to the MASTER station. Optionally, #QDESC lines can be listed by the LPROS transaction with job name or network specified.

Note: Module SASSMSGS can cause suppression of the #QDESC. Check messages SFEP-11 and SIRD-11 in the SASSMSGS module.