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Defining a Late at Job End Notification (LE)

The PAYROLL job has problems with x37 system abends, but it also has a tendency to run rather late on occasion. So ARF will be used to set up a notification based upon a test of an exact date and time. This test will be executed when the job completes. The notification should occur when the job completes if it is 30 minutes or more past the due-out date and time.

This example illustrates how CA WA CA 7 Edition ARF can be used to automate this recovery procedure. The definition is coded as in the following figure:

---------------------------- ARF CONDITION EDIT ---------------------------- FUNCTION: ADD (ADD,DELETE,EXIT,FORMAT,LIST,REPL,SAVE,SR,SS) DEFCT: 01 TYPE: LE SYS EQ * SID EQ 0 RSTC EQ 0 EM EQ * DEFID: 2 FROM: 01011975 0001 TO: 12312074 2359 JC, SC TST: STEP EQ * PROC EQ * PGM EQ * CC/ABENDS : ??? GE 0000 __ ??? GE 0000 __ ??? GE 0000 __ ??? GE 0000 __ ??? GE 0000 __ ??? GE 0000 EC, EE, IS, LB, LE, LS TST: RO: GE DATE: DOD TIME: DOT AO: + INT/ADJ: 0030 RESPONSES: 1: AM,CM=T,U=FRED,M=HEY FRED! YOUR PAYCHECK COULD BE DELAYED!! 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: FINAL -- DISP : N CA-11?: N BYPGDG: N USAGE: PROCESS: CC: START : END : PROGRAM: AR32 MSG-INDX: 00 -- AR.3.1 -- yy.ddd / hh:mm:ss MESSAGE: ENTER FUNCTION, TRANSFER OR ENTER A COMMAND ON THE TOP LINE

In this example note that the definition is new and is being added. Thus, the value in the FUNCTION field is 'ADD'. The value of DEFCT is 1 that reflects the fact that a definition has already been added for the job completion condition in the example above. The TYPE value is required, the value here is 'LE' indicating a "late at job end" notification is to be defined. The definition also requires an index, the value here is '2'.

The defaults for the filter criteria are acceptable.

In the relevant type specific test section, the RO value is 'GE', the DATE is 'DOD', the TIME is 'DOT', the arithmetic operator is '+' and the INT/ADJ value is '0030'. When the job completes, ARF will test the date and time at job completion to determine if it is greater than or equal to the due-out date and time plus 30 minutes.

When the ARF condition is detected, the following message will be sent to the TSO user whose ID is 'FRED':


No other actions follow this one. Since this is not a job completion event, no final disposition processing occurs. ARF recovery is complete for this exception.