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Field Descriptions - Type Specific Tests for JC and SC Conditions


JC, SC TST: STEP EQ * PROC EQ * PGM EQ * CC/ABENDS : ??? GE 0000 __ ??? GE 0000 __ ??? GE 0000 __ ??? GE 0000 __ ??? GE 0000 __ ??? GE 0000 EC, EE, LB, LE, LS TST: RO: GE DATE: TIME: AO: ? INT/ADJ:

HRC test format requires STEP, PROC, and PGM set to EQ *.

Note: We do not recommend a JC (Job Completion) check for a good EOJ condition. A relational operator (RO) of IG on the Job Definition (DB.1) panel assumes the job completes successfully. Any responses specified by a JC ARFSET looking for a good EOJ may not occur.


The following two input fields specify a test to be made on the step name (or stepname within proc) at step or job completion for an ARF monitored job. Following the literal 'STEP' is a relational operator input field that is set by default to 'EQ' indicating that the step name of the job must be equal to the value in the following input field. This can be overtyped with an 'NE' to indicate that the step name must not be equal to the value in the following input field.

Default: EQ

Batch keyword: STEPRO

The input field immediately following the relational operator is set by default to '*'. The default values for STEP, 'EQ *' indicate that all step names are valid. The '*' can be changed to provide a fully or partially qualified step name to be compared against the step name of the job being monitored by ARF. The value can incorporate '+' to indicate a wildcard. An '*' terminating the string indicates a generic. Thus for example, if the values for STEP are 'EQ STEP++1*', then any step name beginning with 'STEP' and having '1' in the seventh position will be considered a candidate for an ARF exception.

Default: *

Limits: 1 to 8 characters, blanks and commas are not allowed
+ indicates a wildcard
* indicates a generic

Batch keyword: STEP


The following two input fields specify a test to be made on the name of the step executing the proc at step or job completion for an ARF monitored job. Following the literal 'PROC' is a relational operator input field that is set by default to 'EQ' indicating that the proc name of the job must be equal to the value in the following input field. This can be overtyped with an 'NE' to indicate that the proc name must not be equal to the value in the following input field.

Default: EQ

Batch keyword: PROCRO

The input field immediately following the relational operator is set by default to '*'. The default values for PROC, 'EQ *' indicate that all proc names are valid. The '*' can be changed to provide a fully or partially qualified proc name to be compared against the proc name of the job being monitored by ARF. The value can incorporate '+' to indicate a wildcard. An '*' terminating the string indicates a generic. Thus for example, if the values for PROC are 'EQ PROC++1*', then any proc name beginning with 'PROC' and having '1' in the seventh position will be considered a candidate for an ARF exception.

Default: *

Limits: 1 to 8 characters, commas and blanks are not allowed
+ indicates a wildcard
* indicates a generic

Batch keyword: PROC


The following two input fields specify a test to be made on the program name at step or job completion for an ARF monitored job. Following the literal 'PGM' is a relational operator input field that is set by default to 'EQ' indicating that the program name of the job must be equal to the value in the following input field. This can be overtyped with an 'NE' to indicate that the program name must not be equal to the value in the following input field.

Default: EQ

Batch keyword: PGMRO

The input field immediately following the relational operator is set by default to '*'. The default values for PGM, 'EQ *' indicate that all program names are valid. The '*' can be changed to provide a fully or partially qualified program name to be compared against the program name of the job being monitored by ARF. The value can incorporate '+' to indicate a wildcard. An '*' terminating the string indicates a generic. Thus for example, if the values for PGM are 'EQ PROG++1*', then any program name beginning with 'PROG' and having '1' in the seventh position will be considered a candidate for an ARF exception.

Default: *

Limits: 1 to 8 characters, commas and blanks are not allowed
+ indicates a wildcard
* indicates a generic

Batch keyword: PGM


(Optional) Up to six tests of completion codes can be coded here and joined by Boolean operators to create complex completion code tests.

The first input field in a completion code test allows specification of the format of the completion code test. Overtype this field with one of the following values to define a completion code test:


Indicates no completion code test.


Indicates the completion code to be tested is a system abend code.


Indicates the completion code to be tested is a user abend code.


Indicates the completion code to be tested is a condition code.


Indicates to perform a test for a flush condition. If this value is used, the corresponding completion code field is ignored, and the only relational operator arguments permitted are EQ and NE.


Indicates to perform a test for a JCL error. If this value is used, the corresponding completion code is ignored, and the only relational operator arguments permitted are EQ and NE.


Indicates to test the highest condition code from any step at the end of the job. An HRC test can only be used in an ARF JC Exception definition. It can only be combined with other HRC tests.

Default: ??? (indicates no test)

Batch keyword: FMT1, FMT2, FMT3, FMT4, FMT5, FMT6

Note: CC tests (in either SC or JC definitions) are performed for each step of a job and may result in multiple ARF responses for the same job. HRC tests are only performed after the last executed step of a job using the highest condition code from any of the executed steps. A positive HRC test results in only one set of responses even if multiple steps meet the test.

The second input field in a completion code test allows specification of the relational operator to be used in the completion code test. The default is 'GE'.

This can be overtyped with one of the following values:


Not equal


Greater than or equal to




Greater than


Less than or equal to


Less than

Default: GE

Limits: Optional unless the first input has a value other than ???

Batch keyword: RO1, RO2, RO3, RO4, RO5, RO6

The third input field in a completion code test allows specification of the completion code value to be used in a completion code test. The default is '000'. This value can be overtyped with a character value appropriate for the format of the completion code test. For example, if the first input field in the test contains 'SYS' indicating a system abend, then a valid completion code value might be 'E37'. The completion code value can contain '+' to indicate a wildcard and '*' for generics. For example, the following completion code test would cause an ARF exception to be recognized for any system abend ending in '37': 'SYS EQ +37'.

Note: S822 abends cannot be "caught" because the IBM SMF step term record does not contain the needed information.

Default: 000

Limits: For SYS, 3 valid hexadecimal characters
For USR and CC, 1 to 4 decimal characters

Limits: Optional unless the first input has a value other than ???

Batch keyword: VAL1, VAL2, VAL3, VAL4, VAL5, VAL6

Completion code tests can be joined using the following logical connectives:


Indicates the tests are to be 'and'ed


Indicates the tests are to be 'or'ed

Default: __ indicating no connective

Limits: Optional unless tests are to be joined.

Batch keyword: LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5