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Field Descriptions

---------------------------- ARF CONDITION EDIT ---------------------------- FUNCTION: (ADD,DELETE,EXIT,FORMAT,LIST,REPL,SAVE,SR,SS) DEFCT: 00 TYPE: SYS EQ * SID EQ 0 RSTC GE 0 EM EQ * DEFID: FROM: 01011975 0001 TO: 12312074 2359


Specifies the function to be performed. Value must be the name of another panel or one of the following:


Adds a new definition to the work area.


Deletes a definition from the work area.


Returns the user to the AR.3 panel and clears the edit work area. Any changes are ignored. The DEF-COUNT has the value that it had before EDIT was entered.


Clears any panel input entered by user.


Lists the definition associated with the current definition index. This function can be used to browse definitions in the ARFSET.


Replaces the current definition for this definition index in the work area. The definition must be listed before it can be replaced.


Updates the DEF-COUNT and returns to AR.3 panel. The ARF edit work area changes are retained but the ARFSET is not yet updated on the database.


Combination function that results in a SAVE, a return to the AR.3 panel, and a REPL from the AR.3 panel to replace an existing ARFSET on the database.


Combination function that results in a SAVE, a return to the AR.3 panel, and a SAVE from the AR.3 panel to add a new ARFSET to the database.

Batch keyword: Positional parameter


Online display of the total number of ARF definitions in the ARF edit work area.


Specifies the type of ARF exception condition to be defined. This parameter is required and the value must be one of the following:


Specifies an elapsed time check at normal job completion.


Specifies an elapsed time check during job execution.


Specifies a test of the date and time just prior to job submission. If an exception is detected, the job is requeued prior to executing ARF responses.


Specifies a test for an exception condition based on completion codes to be executed when the job completes.

Note: Tests for job completion are made at each step completion. However, ARF does not respond to a job completion until the job ends. In the event that several job completion criteria are met, the responses associated with the lowest definition index are executed. Only one job completion condition occurs for a given job.


Specifies an exception condition results when CA WA CA 7 Edition initially prompts for a late condition. No type specific tests are defined for the LA exception.


Specifies a test to determine whether the job is to be regarded late when the job begins.


Specifies a test to determine whether the job is to be regarded late when the job ends.


Specifies a test to determine whether the job is to be regarded late when the job is submitted.


Specifies a test for an exception condition based on completion codes to be executed when the specified step completes.

Batch keyword: TYPE


Identifies an index that uniquely specifies this definition within the ARFSET.

Limits: 1 to 3 decimal characters
Valid values 1-255

Batch keyword: DEFID