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Types of Responses

Responses are defined using action statements. The format of an action statement is much like that of a CA WA CA 7 Edition top line command. Each action statement begins with a two-character code that declares the kind of action to be executed. Additional parameters are supplied with keywords and are delimited by commas.

A description of the four types of action statement follows.

AC - Issue a Command

The AC action statement is used to issue a CA WA CA 7 Edition command. The only parameter on the AC statement is the text of the command to be issued.

AW - Wait

Execution of the AW action statement causes the sequence of recovery actions to pause for a specified number of minutes.

AM - Issue a Message

The AM action statement can be used to issue messages to the MVS console or to a specified TSO user.

AJ - Schedule a Recovery Job

The AJ action statement is used to schedule a job defined in the CA WA CA 7 Edition database to run on behalf of the job that is in recovery. The AJ action statement is used to name the recovery job and to specify the number of times that the job is to be retried in the event that it does not complete successfully. A time interval to wait between such retries can also be coded on this statement.

Note: The AW and AJ action statements are only valid for use with the IS and JC exception conditions. Thus, for exception types EC, EE, LA, LB, LE, LS and SC only, the AC and AM action statements are allowed. All action statement types are valid for use with IS and JC exceptions.