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Types of Exceptions Recognized by ARF

All ARF monitoring is organized by exception type. Each ARF definition in an ARFSET must specify the type of exception that is to be monitored. A list of the types of exceptions recognized by ARF follows.

EC - Elapsed Time Check at Completion

A check of the elapsed time for the job is made when CA WA CA 7 Edition is notified of normal job completion. The ARF definition specifies an elapsed time value (in minutes) and a relational operator. If the elapsed time of the completed job stands in the relation indicated by the relational operator to the elapsed time value in the ARF definition, then an ARF exception is recognized for the job. Thus, for example, if the ARF definition associated with a job specifies a relational operator of 'GE' and an elapsed time value of '0002', then an ARF exception will be recognized if the elapsed time at completion of the job is greater than or equal to 2 minutes.

EE - Elapsed Time Check During Execution

The elapsed time of the job is monitored during execution. The ARF definition specifies an elapsed time value. ARF will begin monitoring the elapsed time of the job when CA WA CA 7 Edition is notified of job initiation. If the elapsed time interval specified in the ARF definition expires prior to notification in CA WA CA 7 Edition of job completion then an ARF exception is recognized. Such monitoring will allow CA WA CA 7 Edition to warn of a possible problem if a job runs much longer than expected.

IS - Interrupt Submission

A test is made just prior to job submission similar to the test that is made for the LS condition. The ARF definition specifies a date, time and relational operator. If the date and time at job submission stands in the indicated relation to the date and time in the ARF definition, an ARF condition is recognized. ARF will then automatically requeue the job to the REQUEST queue prior to executing the responses.

JC - Job Completion Check

The execution status of a job is checked at job completion. Up to six completion code tests joined by Boolean operators can be specified in the ARF definition. Each test allows specification of the type of code to be tested:

The test also allows a relational operator to be specified along with the value of the code. Thus, for example a test can specify 'CC GE 0024'. Only if the condition code of the job is greater than or equal to 24 is an ARF condition recognized. Masking for wildcards and generics is allowed. The following test can be specified as part of an ARF JC definition: SYS EQ +37. This indicates that any system abend ending in 37 such as S-D37 or S-E37 will be recognized as an ARF exception.

The HRC test is only valid for a JC (Job Completion) exception definition. The highest condition code from any step in the job is used for the HRC test after the job has completed. The HRC test cannot be combined with the other test formats. The STEP, PROC, and PGM applicability tests for a JC definition using HRC must all be EQ *.

Note: We do not recommend a JC (Job Completion) check for a good EOJ condition. A relational operator (RO) of IG on the Job Definition (DB.1) panel assumes the job completes successfully. Any responses specified by a JC ARFSET looking for a good EOJ may not occur.

LA - Late Notification at CA WA CA 7 Edition Prompting

An ARF exception is recognized when CA WA CA 7 Edition begins late prompting for the job. The exception occurs only once for the job when it is initially considered late by CA WA CA 7 Edition. Also, the exception is only taken if the job becomes late while in the request queue, not when it enters the request queue as late. The prompt must actually be done. For example, if the JOB panel uses PROMPTS of N, the exception does not occur even though the job may show with a late status.

LB - Late Notification When Job Begins

A test is made when CA WA CA 7 Edition is notified of job initiation. The ARF definition specifies a date, time and relational operator. If the date and time at job initiation stands in the relation specified to the date and time in the ARF definition, then an ARF exception is recognized.

LE - Late Notification When Job Ends

A test is made when CA WA CA 7 Edition is notified of job completion. The ARF definition specifies a date, time and relational operator. If the date and time at job completion stands in the relation specified to the date and time in the ARF definition, then an ARF exception is recognized.

LS - Late Notification at Job Submission

A test is made just before CA WA CA 7 Edition submits the job. The ARF definition specifies a date, time and relational operator. If the date and time at job submission stands in the relation specified to the date and time in the ARF definition, then an ARF exception is recognized.

SC - Step Completion Check

The execution status of a job is checked at step completion. Up to six completion code tests joined by Boolean operators may be specified in the ARF definition. Each test allows specification of the type of code to be tested: SYS for system abends, USR for user abends, CC for condition codes and FL for flush conditions. The test also allows a relational operator to be specified along with the value of the code. Thus, for example a test can specify 'CC GE 0024'. Only if the condition code of the job is greater than or equal to 24 is an ARF condition recognized. Masking for wildcards and generics is allowed. The following test can be specified as part of an ARF JC definition: SYS EQ +37. This indicates that any system abend ending in 37 such as S-D37 or S-E37 will be recognized as an ARF exception.