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Data Set Triggers

Data set output activity can also be used as a trigger. Whenever a sequential data set is created or updated, jobs can be triggered by the completion of that activity. Scheduling of jobs in this manner is accomplished through the DB.2.6 and DB.6 panels.

A data set cannot be used as a trigger if it is defined as PERM=YES on the DB.6 panel or if it is output by a job that is defined as MAINT=YES.

Data set triggers are very useful if you have a job that needs to run only if a specific data set has been created.

If the data set used as a trigger specifies YES for the DB.6 panel parameter POST AT CLOSE TIME, the data set trigger takes effect when the data set is successfully closed after being opened for output or update. If POST AT CLOSE TIME is NO, the trigger takes effect on successful completion of the job in which the data set was created or updated.

The advantage of posting at close time is that successful completion of an entire job is not necessary for data set triggering or requirement posting to take place.

Note: If you trigger a job at data set close, the trigger occurs then, even if the job that created the data set later abends. If the abended job is then restarted and the data set is recreated, the trigger occurs again.