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Mass Changes at Existing Site

Even though the database transportability programs were developed to assist with the transfer of work from one site to another, it can also be used to perform mass or global changes at an existing site.

To accomplish such changes the desired work is identified by LJOB and LSYS commands, as described in preceding sections, and the three jobs are run as indicated. Then desired changes are made to the command files (DBMADDS1 and DBMADDS2). Such changes could be renaming of jobs, systems, and data sets or just changing certain job options. Next the ADD functions would be changed to UPD if not changing job or data set names and any unnecessary commands deleted. Finally, a BTI job would process the command files to apply the changes to the existing database.

After all changes are verified, use the DBMSTOPS or DBMDELTS to remove any obsolete references.