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Types of Jobs

You can define and schedule up to three types of jobs through CA WA CA 7 Edition.

Unless stated, "job" applies to all job types. If the word job has an adjective of CPU, XPJOB, or agent, the sentence or section applies to the specific job type mentioned. If something applies only to XPJOB or an agent job, the words "internal cross-platform job" are used (this designation does not include CPU jobs).

When requesting information about a job, you can enter the request from the JOB (CPU), XPJOB, or Agent Job Definition panels. CA WA CA 7 Edition tests the type of job being requested and redirects processing to the appropriate job definition panel if necessary.

For example, if you request information about a CPU job from the XP Job Definition panel, you are redirected to the JOB Definition panel. Likewise, if you request information about an agent FTP job from the JOB Definition panel, you are redirected to the Agent Job Definition panel. This redirection applies to the LIST and any DELETE functions. If the function is UPDATE, you must be on the panel representing the job type. If an UPDATE function is attempted from the incorrect panel, an error message is issued.