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FQJOB Examples






NOEX in the RQMT column on the output identifies nonexecutable jobs (for example, EXEC:N on the job definition panel).

JCLO in the RQMT column on the output identifies jobs that require JCL overrides (for example, JCL-OVRD:Y on the DB.1 panel).

FQJOB Panel - Jobs Including Queues

Jobs with repeat information scheduled to run during the forecast period are marked with "(REPEATING JOB)" in the TRIGGERING JOB/DSN column. The subsequent iterations of these jobs are treated as if the previous iteration triggered them but have an RPT (repeat) number instead of a LEV (level) number in the SCHED column.

FQJOB,SPAN=24 FQJOB DATE 05-07-yy PAGE 0002 FORECAST FOR CA-7 JOBS (INCLUDING THOSE IN CURRENT QUEUES) PERIOD : 05-07-yy AT 1518 HRS TO 05-08-yy AT 1518 HRS START DTTM END DTTM JOB SYS SCHED SID TRIGGERING JOB/DSN RQMT yy127/1610 yy127/1610 ACRAA01W RECEVABL RDY-Q 001 yy127/1610 yy127/1610 ACRAA02W RECEVABL RDY-Q 001 yy127/1610 yy127/1610 ACPED01W PAYABLES REQ-Q 001 yy127/1610 yy127/1610 CNPAC01M PAYROLL REQ-Q 001 NOEX yy127/1611 yy127/1611 WHSAB01D SHIPPING REQ-Q 001 JCLO yy127/1621 yy127/1721 WHSAC01D SHIPPING LEV001 001 WHSAB01D yy127/1621 yy128/0314 WHSAD01D SHIPPING LEV001 001 WHSAB01D yy127/1710 yy127/1711 CNPAD01M PAYROLL LEV001 001 CNPAC01M yy127/1711 yy127/1051 WHSAE01D SHIPPING LEV002 001 WHSAD01D JCLO yy127/1821 yy127/1721 WHSAF01D SHIPPING LEV003 001 WHSAE01D yy127/2011 yy127/2101 WHSAG01D SHIPPING LEV004 001 WHSAF01D JCLO yy128/0414 yy128/1414 WHSAH01D SHIPPING LEV005 001 WHSAG01D

An * before the job name in the FQJOB output indicates a date/time adjustment. The following are some of the situations that can cause an adjustment in the FQJOB date/time output: