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These forecast commands produce reports indicating the volume serial numbers of the input tapes that are needed for jobs during the specified forecast time period. The jobs that are used for FTAPE are selected only from the CA WA CA 7 Edition definitions. For FQTAPE, the jobs that are used to produce tape pull lists are selected from the CA WA CA 7 Edition active workload (queues) and from the definition database. Selection is made from the queues first. Then, if the forecast period is large enough, further selection is made from the database.

The selection from the database in both cases is done according to the start time. Specify a start time either explicitly or imply due-out time minus average elapsed time. The selection is made if the start time falls within the time interval of the forecast. Any jobs that the selected jobs trigger are also optionally included. Once the job is selected, the database is searched for any data set residing on tape. CA WA CA 7 Edition entries, and system catalog entries, are searched to find the appropriate volume serial numbers of the tapes.

Forecast selection can be made from the database by either job name or system name. These names can be specific or generic. The specific names are specified in up to eight characters, and generic names are specified in up to seven characters and terminated with an asterisk (*).

Note: The JCL for selected jobs is not examined, only the database information. Therefore, temporary changes that are made to JCL regarding any VOLSER values are reflected in the forecast only when the job is reloaded.

The order of the JCL within a step is important to whether a particular tape data set is forecasted. Consider two DD statements referring to the same data set (for example, a GDG), one for input and the other for output. If the input DD statement comes before the output DD statement, the data set is considered as a requirement and forecasts. Otherwise, it does not.


Tape pull list for jobs.


Tape pull list for jobs including those jobs in the CA WA CA 7 Edition queues.