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/CHGOPT Command

The /CHGOPT command modifies a specific initialization file option after CA WA CA 7 Edition is already initialized.

This command has the following format:


LIST=STAT and keyword=value are mutually exclusive. One of them is required.


Lists all of the modifiable options with their current values.

Limits: STAT is the accepted value.

Valid keywords and values are as follows:


From the OPTIONS statement, specifies whether to attempt JCL attach processing for nonexecutable jobs.


Performs JCL attach processing on all jobs, including nonexecutable jobs.


Performs JCL attach processing on executable jobs only.


From the OPTIONS statement, specifies whether CA WA CA 7 Edition automatically requeues jobs found to be active on a specific CPU when a recycle of that CPU occurs.


Does not automatically requeue jobs.


Requeues the jobs automatically that are in the active queue and shows that they are running on the CPU that has been recycled.


From the OPTIONS statement, determines whether to write multiple messages to the CA WA CA 7 Edition JES log for each CAICCI terminal session.


Continues to write all messages.


Writes only one log message for each CAICCI terminal session:

CA-7.XTM0 Session ended ...

The other messages are not written.


From the OPTIONS statement, determines character translation mode in the CA 7 Editor. If Full Edit Mode is used, then:


Forces the translation of all data to uppercase.


Controls the translation with the case setting commands in the CA 7 Editor.

Note: For more information about the FEM subcommands MIXED and UPPER, see the Database Maintenance Guide.


From the OPTIONS statement, enables the production of a new log record that contains timing data for JCL data set accesses. CA Earl and CA Easytrieve report 038 can be used to report on this activity. Using JCLDSST=YES can create many extra log records and can affect your overall performance. Thus, use caution with this option.


Does not write extra log records.


Writes the extra log records.


From the OPTIONS statement, specifies the default Workload Balancing (WLB) class for jobs that are brought into the system by the LOAD/H command. The value must be a single alphanumeric character.


From the RESTART statement, specifies a route code for the job and step termination WTOs when the WTO, WTOSTEP, or both keywords are specified. The WTOs are CA-7.SMF3 and CA-7.SMF4. The value must be a number from 1 through 16.


From the OPTIONS statement, specifies the default WLB class for jobs that are brought into the system by the RUN/H command. The value must be a single alphanumeric character.


From the RESTART statement, specifies whether to issue a WTO when a CA WA CA 7 Edition submitted job terminates unsuccessfully. See the Message Reference Guide for message CA-7.SMF3.


Does not issue a WTO at unsuccessful job completions.


Issues a WTO.


Issues a highlighted and nonscrollable WTO.


From the RESTART statement, specifies whether to issue a WTO for job steps that CA WA CA 7 Edition tracks.


Does not issue a step fail WTO.


Issues a WTO for bad step terminations.


Issues a highlighted and nonscrollable WTO for bad step terminations.


Issues a WTO for every step completion for every tracked job regardless of the termination condition except for LOAD only jobs.


Issues a WTO for every step completion for every tracked job regardless of the termination condition except for LOAD only jobs. Also, WTOs are highlighted and nonscrollable.

Note: If ALL or ALLHI is used, many WTOs are issued depending on the number of tracked jobs and the number of steps in each job.


From the XPDEF statement, specifies whether this CA 7 instance can send jobs to another platform through XPJOB facilities.


Enables the XPJOB facilities.


Disables the XPJOB facilities.

Note: XSUBMIT=YES can only be specified if the CA 7 instance was originally initialized with XSUBMIT=YES specified on the XPDEF statement.