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Example: AGFILE Command with LIST Option

The AGFILE command displays this List of Agent Job Executions panel when entered with a LIST option of Q, HIS, or ALL. The panel contains a historical list of job executions for a specific agent job name. There is no equivalent batch function.

Job executions are listed below their column headings. A page can display up to 15 job executions. If the output is more than 15 job executions, use PF7/PF8 to scroll back and forward through the data. PF3 returns to the Queue Maintenance (QM) menu.

To request a function be performed on any of the listed job executions, enter a two-character value in the F column just in front of the job execution you want to process. Only one job execution is processed. If you select multiple job executions, only the first is processed.

When the requested function is processed, the system displays a new panel containing the data associated with the request.

---------------- CA-7 List of Agent Job Executions for Job AGQSAP01 ----------- Spool Offset: 0 Step Number: 1 F Src CA7# System Sch Q-Date/Time Agent Job Type __ REQ 0545 SYSTEM 001 yy268 1444 WA_AGENT SAP_JOB __ VSM 0499 SYSTEM 001 yy251 0914 WA_AGENT SAP_JOB __ VSM 0500 SYSTEM 001 yy253 0845 WA_AGENT SAP_JOB __ VSM 0501 SYSTEM 001 yy253 1146 WA_AGENT SAP_JOB __ VSM 0502 SYSTEM 001 yy253 1204 WA_AGENT SAP_JOB __ VSM 0503 SYSTEM 001 yy253 1211 WA_AGENT SAP_JOB __ VSM 0533 SYSTEM 001 yy254 1233 WA_AGENT SAP_JOB PROGRAM: QM81 MSG-INDX: 00 -- QM.8.1 -- yy.275 / 14:24:20 MESSAGE: Enter desired function for a line entry or a command on the top line

This panel contains the following fields:


Specifies the CA 7 job name.

Spool Offset

Specifies the spool offset for display of an output file.

Step number

Specifies the step number for the job. Displays only for SAP_JOB.


Specifies the function field.


Retrieve process chain log (BWPC_JOB).

Retrieve list of chain processes (BWPC_JOB).


Retrieve process chain status (BWPC_JOB).


Delete a job from the agent's scheduler database (PS_JOB, SAP_JOB, SAPA_JOB).


Delete phase1 of a job from the agent's scheduler database (BDC_JOB).


Delete phase2 of a job from the agent's scheduler database (BDC_JOB).


Delete both phases of a job from the agent's scheduler database (BDC_JOB).


Retrieve a dump file (SAP_JOB).


Retrieve an error file (NONSTOP_JOB).


Retrieves a list of available spool files (i5/OS platforms).


Retrieve a log file (NONSTOP_JOB, OA_JOB, OAC_JOB, PROXY_JOB).


Retrieve an output file (NONSTOP_JOB).


Retrieve a spool file reference (PROXY_JOB).


Retrieve a spool file.


Retrieve a trace file (PS_JOB).


Display job information from the CA7AGNT VSAM file.


Display ABAP output (SAP_JOB).


Specifies the source for this job execution. REQ, RDY, ACT, PRN, and PRQ indicate CA WA CA 7 Edition status queues. VSM indicates the CA7AGNT VSAM file.


Specifies the CA 7 job number.


Specifies the CA 7 system name.


Specifies the CA 7 schedule ID.


Specifies the CA 7 queue entry date.


Specifies the system agent where the job executes.

Job Type

Specifies the CA 7 agent job type.