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Cancel Request, Ready or Active Queue Jobs

The CANCEL command has the following format for request, ready or active queue jobs:


Defines the job to cancel. JOB and JOBL are mutually exclusive.


Defines the unique CA 7 job number (leading zeros are not required) for the job to cancel.

Limits: 1 to 4 numeric characters


Lets you cancel a job by job name when only one job with that name is present in the request queue.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters


Defines the job to cancel. JOB and JOBL are mutually exclusive.


Lets you cancel a job by long job name when only one job with that name is present in the request queue.

Limits: 1 to 64 alphanumeric characters


(Optional) Specifies to force the cancellation of the job. If you want to cancel the job to dump the log data set, specify FORCE=YES to prevent the job from being resubmitted. Use FORCE=YES when a job to be canceled shows a status of SKELETON or RETRY. Use FORCE=YES to cancel a job with connected resources.

Important! Use of this option can potentially cause CA WA CA 7 Edition to abend; therefore, only use it as a last resort.


(Optional) Specifies to stop the job immediately, rather than letting the canceled job terminate typically.


(Optional) Defines the reason for the job cancellation. Depending on the initialization file CANCEL statement value, this reason can be required or optional. If it is required but not given, a message prompts the user to provide it. The text is entered into the run log entry for this occurrence of this job and is displayed on any subsequent LRLOG inquiries.

Limits: 1 to 40 alphanumeric characters

Required: No (depending on initialization options)