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/DISPLAY Command

The /DISPLAY command obtains internal information, status of various components of CA WA CA 7 Edition, or both. As an information command, it has a large group of keywords available to designate specific information for display. You can specify certain combinations of keywords on a single /DISPLAY command but must select at least one.

This command has the following format:


(Optional) Defines the CA WA CA 7 Edition application programs whose status you want to display. You can use A and APPL interchangeably.


Displays a specific CA WA CA 7 Edition module. The xxxx must be the last four characters of the module suffix (for example, SLI0).


Displays a generic group of modules belonging to the same CA WA CA 7 Edition application. All modules beginning with the characters specified are shown (for example, SASSSLI displays all general listing modules).


Displays all CA WA CA 7 Edition modules that are defined in the initialization file.


(Optional) Defines the submit data set or internal reader that is associated with the CPUs for which to show status.


Defines the ddname that defines the desired submit data set.


Defines to show all submit data sets and their related MAINIDS.


(Optional) Specifies information for which to display status.


Displays information about the CA Datacom/AD MUF in use and the trigger and requirement display order.


Displays status of the log data set currently in use.


(Optional) Defines the CA WA CA 7 Edition format or calendar blocks whose status is shown. FM and FMTBLK can be used interchangeably.


Displays a generic group of format blocks belonging to the same CA WA CA 7 Edition application. The x portion of the name must be A for batch format blocks, H for 3270 format blocks or X for both. The yyyy portion of the name must be the four-character module suffix (for example, SLI0). All format blocks beginning with the characters specified are shown.


Displays a generic group of base calendar blocks. The yy portion of the name represents the calendar year (that is, 13 for 2013). The zz portion of the name represents the unique calendar identifier. All calendar blocks beginning with the characters specified are shown. (Remember that you can use LISTDIR,DSN=*SCAL* to display all the members in the Calendar PDS.)


Displays all format and base calendar blocks that are defined in the initialization file with an FMTBLK or CALBLK statement.


(Optional) Defines the lines for which status is shown. L and LINE can be used interchangeably.


Defines a single-line name.

Limits: 1 to 7 alphanumeric characters


Defines a line name mask.

Limits: 1 to 7 alphanumeric characters


Displays all lines in the CA WA CA 7 Edition network. (The NAME parameter on the LINE statement in the initialization file defines the line name.)


(Optional) Defines the logical terminals for which status is shown. LT and LTERM can be used interchangeably.


Defines a single logical terminal name.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters


Defines a logical terminal name mask.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters


Displays status for all logical terminals in the CA WA CA 7 Edition network. (The STANIDS or LTERM parameter on the STATIONS statement in the initialization file defines the logical terminal name.)


(Optional) Indicates the type of performance-related data to collect and display as one of the following values:


Collects all of the following types of performance data.


Collects CA Datacom/AD performance data.


Collects JES performance data.


Collects SCT performance data.


Collects enhanced submission selection performance data.


Collects VRM performance data.


Collects zIIP processing performance data.

Note: The PERF=ZIIP version of the command uses the same resources as other critical processing areas. Frequent use can result in some slight performance degradation.


Collects z/OS performance data.

Note: The data that is collected is intended for use by the system programmer and administrator who maintain the CA WA CA 7 Edition system. We do not recommend this keyword for general use.


(Optional) Specifies the main memory storage pools for which status is shown. PL and POOLS can be used interchangeably. Value must be one of the following values:


Displays the CA WA CA 7 Edition application pool that provides main memory for storing nonresident and nonpermanent programs while they are in use.


Displays the buffer pool that provides main memory for activity involving the data sets.


Displays the 64-bit memory pool that provides storage for scratch files and other functions.


Displays the buffer pool that provides main memory for activity involving the jobs.


Displays the message pool that provides main memory for CA WA CA 7 Edition format blocks and their input/output activity. Values that are shown are the same as those values for NSP because they are a shared pool.


Displays the nonspecific pool that provides main memory for all requests that are not directed to one of the other pools. Values that are shown are the same as those values for MSG because they are a shared pool.


Displays the storage pool of areas residing in 31-bit addressability (areas that are obtained above the 16-MB line).


Displays the resident pool that contains the CA WA CA 7 Edition control blocks and all resident CA WA CA 7 Edition programs.


Displays all storage pools previously listed.


(Optional) Specifies a display of schedule scan control values. PR and PRINT can be used interchangeably. If used, value can be either SCH or ALL.


(Optional) Specifies the queue area for which status is shown. For the SCR and DQT areas the values that are shown are DASD tracks allocated and currently available. For all other areas, the values shown are 64-bit memory that is allocated and currently available for in-core tables that are related to the queue area.


Displays the disk queue table that is used to control output messages for CA WA CA 7 Edition terminals.


Displays the 64-bit memory usage for the JCL Queue Table. This table contains the JCL, PARMLIB data, and network reminder text for active jobs and networks.


Displays the 64-bit memory usage for the Miscellaneous Queue Table. This table contains input requirements, output trailers, #SCC data, LOAD data, and network stations for all jobs and networks in the status queues.


Displays the 64-bit memory usage for the Queue Header Table. This table contains queue header data for all jobs and networks in the status queues.


Displays the scratch queue that provides a temporary workspace for the CA WA CA 7 Edition applications and messages for the terminals.


Displays the 64-bit memory usage for the Status Queue Table. This table contains information about active jobs and networks in each of the status queues (PRE, REQ, RDY, ACT, and PST).


Displays all queue areas previously listed.


(Optional) Specifies which status is shown. STATUS and ST can be used interchangeably.


Displays information about the CA WA CA 7 Edition system such as

  • Local SMF ID
  • VTAM application ID
  • Instance name
  • SVC number
  • Status of the interfaces to external system state monitoring systems ARM, CA OPS/MVS EMA SSM, and IBM Health Checker for z/OS
  • Time zone offset from UCT
  • Current settings for initialization file statements that relate to time zones

Displays the CA Driver procedure libraries that are associated with CA WA CA 7 Edition JCL libraries. CA Driver procedure libraries are associated with JCL libraries by adding DPROC= on the JCL statement in the initialization file or with the /JCL command.


Displays information about CA WA CA 7 Edition current disaster recovery mode options and the currently active disaster recovery classes.


Displays information about the CA WA CA 7 Edition email interface.


Displays CA WA CA 7 Edition high job number statistics. HIJOB and HIJBNUM can be used interchangeably.


Displays the data sets containing CA WA CA 7 Edition submitted JCL and their associated numeric index values. Data sets that a symbolic index reference display numeric index 255.


Displays the data sets containing CA WA CA 7 Edition submitted JCL and their associated numeric or symbolic index values.


Displays the program function and program access key settings.

Note: If key information is desired on a specific terminal, a combination of STATUS=KEY and the TERM parameter can be used.


Displays information about the CA Service Desk interface, including the current SERVDESK rules that have been loaded.


Displays the current CA WA CA 7 Edition security environment.

Note: For more information, see the Security Reference Guide.


Displays information about CA WA CA 7 Edition job submission. The display includes information about the number and type of submission output threads that are currently active in CA WA CA 7 Edition.


Displays cross-platform scheduling options.


(Optional) Specifies the physical terminals for which status is shown. T and TERM can be used interchangeably. (The NAME parameter on the TERM statement in the initialization file defines the symbolic terminal name.)


Defines a terminal name.


Defines a physical terminal name mask.


Specifies all physical terminals.


Specifies a condensed form of the ALL display.


Specifies an interpreted display for the issuing terminal.

More information:
