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/DELAGNT Command

The /DELAGNT command scans the CA7AGNT file and compares each record creation date to the current date minus AGENTDAY. One line of information is listed from each record that is older than the AGENTDAY retention period. If UPDATE=YES is specified, these records are also deleted from the CA7AGNT file. This maintenance command removes historical records for space recovery.

This command has the following format:


(Optional) Records in the CA7AGNT file older than this number of days are selected for display and optional deletion. Specify a 1- or 2-digit value from 1 to 35.

If not specified, this value defaults to the AGENTDAY value specified in the initialization file XPDEF statement. If not specified on the XPDEF statement, the default is 15 days.


Determines whether to display records or to display and delete records.


Lists records that are created earlier than AGENTDAY days before today. NO the default.

All records remain in the CA7AGNT VSAM file.


Lists records that are created earlier than AGENTDAY days before today.

All listed records are deleted from the CA7AGNT file.