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/CHANGE Command

The /CHANGE command modifies the security definition for a given operator by changing the level of authorization that controls the ability of an operator to use the commands of CA WA CA 7 Edition applications.

Note: This command is only applicable if CA WA CA 7 Edition native security is being used for command access.

This command has the following format:


Defines the CA WA CA 7 Edition application for which you want to assign a different level of authorization. You can use A and APPL interchangeably but must specify one or the other. The value must be the driver program suffix specified in the SECURITY macro (for example, SFC0, SDM0, and others).

Limits: 1 to 4 alphanumeric characters


Defines the operator ID for which you want to change the authorization. You can use O and OPERID interchangeably but must specify one or the other. The value must be the operator ID defined in the SECURITY macro.


Defines the new level of authorization for the designated CA WA CA 7 Edition application. You can use P and PRTY interchangeably but must specify one or the other. The value must be numeric and must be from 0 through 15.

Note: For default authorization values, see the Security Reference Guide.


Defines the physical terminal at which the change in authorization applies. You can use T and TERM interchangeably but must specify one or the other.


Defines the symbolic terminal name that the NAME parameter on the TERM statement in the initialization file defines.


Must be specified to change authorization levels for an OPID that is defined in the Security macro with a TRMD=**ALL**.