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/JCL Command

The /JCL command adds, updates, or deletes a JCL statement that a symbolic index references.

Note: The /JCL command can manipulate the PRMLIB data sets because these data sets are considered "JCL" libraries. PARM data members can occupy the same libraries as JCL members because the data is 80-byte records in a PDS.

Changes made to JCL statements with the /JCL command are stored in the CA WA CA 7 Edition database and remain in effect when CA WA CA 7 Edition is reinitialized if JCLDEFS=VSAM is specified on the RESIDENT statement in the initialization file.


This command has the following format:


Specifies the type of JCL statement change to perform.


Specifies to add a symbolic JCL data statement reference.


Specifies to update a symbolic JCL data statement reference.


Specifies to delete a symbolic JCL data statement reference.


Defines the symbolic index that is associated with the JCL statement. A symbolic index is referred to as a JCLLIB on the DB.1 panel. A symbolic index consists of an ampersand (&) followed by up to 15 alphanumeric characters. Symbolic value &HELP is reserved for the HELP data set.


Defines the fully qualified name of a data set containing execution JCL for CA WA CA 7 Edition to submit. The data set must be a PDS. A data set name cannot be specified with OPT=DEL.

Note: JCL libraries added with the /JCL command are automatically assigned an attribute of DYN=2.

TSO packed data is not supported.


(Optional) Specifies JCL library destination.


Defines the INDEX value from a previously defined JCL library that is searched before this one. This method works exactly like DD statement concatenation where the ALT is first in the sequence, but is supported for only one level. Because validation of this parameter is done during the building of the internal table of JCL libraries, the alternate library must be defined in the initialization file before the statement that references it as an alternate. ALT and INDEX values cannot be equal in any one JCL statement.

Note: For more information about alternate JCL libraries, see the Database Maintenance Guide.


Specifies to remove an ALT destination from an existing JCL library destination, as in the following example:


(Optional) Specifies CA Driver JCL libraries.


Defines the name of the PDS to concatenate above the libraries in the CARPROC DD allocation whenever CA Driver is invoked for JCL in the associated JCL library.


Specifies to remove a DPROC association from an existing definition, as in the following example:


Specifies not to invoke CA Driver for JCL using this INDEX.


(Optional) Specifies the logical terminal to which to route prompt messages for jobs using JCL from this library. The default is MASTER.

Note: If the logical terminal name is defined as a virtual terminal, a CAICCI terminal, or CONSOLE, the messages are dynamically rerouted to the MASTER terminal. Messages that are routed to the MASTER terminal are written to the BROWSE DD file.

Note: For more information about the LTERM keyword or the JCL initialization file statement, see the Systems Programming Guide.