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/FETCH Command

The /FETCH command retrieves top line commands that are entered since the last /LOGON.

Commands that are entered on the top line are stored in a buffer that is known as a command ring. The command ring can hold up to five top line commands. When you enter the sixth command, the oldest command in the ring is erased to store the new one. In this way, the five most recent commands are saved.

You can override the default number of commands stored in the command ring buffer using the MAXRINGSZ= keyword on the OPTIONS statement in the initialization file.

Note: For more information, see the Systems Programming Guide.

Repeated executions of /FETCH retrieve commands in the order that they are stored in the ring, from most recent to the oldest.

Use /PF to assign this command to a PF key for ease of use. Also, by default, PF2 is set to perform the /FETCH command.

This command has the following format: