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/EADMIN Command

The /EADMIN command modifies selected settings of the CA WA CA 7 Edition email interface. Changes that are made using the /EADMIN command are not saved across starts of CA WA CA 7 Edition. For permanent changes, update the EMAIL initialization file statement.

This command has the following format:


(Optional) Specifies a new name to display in the "From" field of emails. The value can be up to 70 characters long and can contain special characters (other than commas). CA WA CA 7 Edition converts all lowercase letters to uppercase when processing the command.


(Optional) Specifies whether to use the email interface. All emails can be suppressed by specifying ENABLE=N. All emails currently waiting to be sent are discarded with no indication of any error. Any new emails that are requested with the /EMAIL command are also discarded, and an error message (SCMR-07) is issued to the terminal in response to the command. Specify /EADMIN,ENABLE=Y to permit the sending of emails again. /EADMIN,ENABLE=Y can also be used to redrive a connection to TCP/IP if one was not successfully established at initialization.


(Optional) Specifies a new default email reply address to use when email recipients reply to emails from CA WA CA 7 Edition. The value can be up to 70 characters long and can contain special characters (other than commas). CA WA CA 7 Edition converts all lowercase letters to uppercase when processing the command. The email address member "reply:" line can override the reply address.


(Optional) Specifies the maximum number of seconds CA WA CA 7 Edition waits for responses from TCP/IP and the SMTP (email) server. Values can range from 5 to 20 seconds.


(Optional) Specifies whether to turn on or off the email trace globally. The email trace is written to SYSOUT data set ETRACE in the CA WA CA 7 Edition task and contains information about the connection between CA WA CA 7 Edition and TCP/IP and the conversation with the SMTP (email) server. The trace can produce many lines of output, so it should be turned off when not in use. The email trace can be requested for a specific email by specifying TRC=Y on the /EMAIL command.