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/DRMODE Command

The /DRMODE command turns on or off disaster recovery mode and changes the disaster recovery mode options.

This command has the following format:

       [,MODE= {DR|NORM}]

(Optional) Defines a rule for CA WA CA 7 Edition to determine a disaster recovery class for a job when a disaster recovery class has not been assigned to the job. If DEFCLASS=@SYSTEM, the SYSTEM value of the job is used as the disaster recovery class. Any other value of DEFCLASS is used as the disaster recovery class of the job.


(Optional) Specifies the CA WA CA 7 Edition mode.


Specifies disaster recovery mode.


Specifies normal mode.

For cautions about turning on disaster recovery mode, see the usage notes that follow.


(Optional) Determines how CA WA CA 7 Edition handles unsatisfied job requirements.


Specifies CA WA CA 7 Edition satisfies the job requirement when the predecessor job has an inactive disaster recovery class.


Specifies CA WA CA 7 Edition leaves the requirement unsatisfied (as if CA WA CA 7 Edition were not running in disaster recovery mode).


(Optional) Specifies whether CA WA CA 7 Edition triggers jobs with an inactive disaster recovery class when CA WA CA 7 Edition is running in disaster recovery mode.


Specifies CA WA CA 7 Edition does not trigger jobs with an inactive disaster recovery class.


Specifies CA WA CA 7 Edition triggers jobs normally (as if CA WA CA 7 Edition were not running in disaster recovery mode).


Specifies CA WA CA 7 Edition triggers, but marks as nonexecutable, jobs with an inactive disaster recovery class.

Note: For more information about nonexecutable jobs, see the EXEC field description on the job definition panel in the Database Maintenance Guide.