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/PROFS Command

The /PROFS command lists and manages CA WA CA 7 Edition user profiles of other users. The user profile is stored in the CA WA CA 7 Edition database and contains personal PA/PF key settings and a UID resource name (see the /UID command). When you log on to CA WA CA 7 Edition, the PA/PF key settings from your user profile are set up for your terminal session automatically. Also, assume that you did not specify an external UID resource name on the CA WA CA 7 Edition Logon panel. In this case, the name is taken from the user profile when it is defined there.

Note: User profile PA/PF key settings override terminal and default PA/PF key settings from the initialization file with one exception. The user profile settings do not override the PA/PF key that is defined as the VLOGOFF key.

If you issue the /PROFS command with only the ID= operand, the current settings in the profile of that user are listed.

This command has the following format:


Defines the operator ID (one- to eight-character user ID) for the user profile you want to display or update.


(Optional) Specifies whether to produce extended RESOLV messages when the target user issues a RESOLV command. These messages (SRC1-137) can be produced when a job/network is scheduled on the same day by two or more schedule IDs.

Limits: The extended RESOLV message option can be overridden using the DUPDATE= keyword on the RESOLV command itself.


(Optional) Specifies the action to take with PA/PF keys.


Specifies to save your current terminal PA/PF key settings in the user profile for the ID= user. The current terminal key settings are defined by using the /PAnn and /PFnn commands. To determine your current settings, issue /DISPLAY,ST=KEY. The definitions under the heading ---- TERMINAL ---- are the settings that are saved into the profile. Other PA/PF key settings under the headings Initialization and Defaults are NOT saved. If there are already PA/PF key settings in the user profile, they are NOT merged with the new settings.


Specifies to replace your current terminal PA/PF key settings with the definitions in the ID= user's profile. PROF and PROFILE can be used interchangeably. You can return to your own profile settings by issuing /PROF,KEYS=PROFILE.


Specifies to clear the PA/PF key settings in the ID= user's user profile. Once cleared, these settings cannot be recovered.


(Optional) Defines the resource name defined in the UID resource table that the ID= user uses as the default at logon time. If they explicitly specify a resource name on the CA WA CA 7 Edition Logon panel, it overrides the value in their user profile.

Note: The resource name that is specified is not validated against the current UID resource table, nor is it checked against external security at the time it is placed in the profile record. These checks are made if the resource name is used at logon time.


(Optional) Specifies to delete the entire user profile record from the database. ST and STATUS can be used interchangeably. If used, this keyword must be the only one coded.

More information:

/UID Command