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CTLG Command

The CTLG command maintains and modifies the CA WA CA 7 Edition index entries. The primary use of data set entries is to determine the availability of input requirements for job scheduling. The three most current creations of each data set (by CA WA CA 7 Edition submitted jobs) are recorded in the database, regardless of whether the data set is a GDG. The volume serial data is informational only, because the system catalog remains the source for locating data sets during job processing.

This command has the following format:


Defines the data set name to be modified.

Limits: 1 to 44 alphanumeric characters


Specifies the CTLG function to be performed. Function must be one of the following:


Specifies to add new entries for a data set already defined in the CA WA CA 7 Edition database.


Specifies to consolidate system and database entries.


Specifies to copy system catalog entries.


Specifies to delete existing entries.


Specifies to replace existing entries.

Processing for these CTLG functions is described on the following pages.


Defines the volume serial numbers on which the data set resides.


Defines a single volume.

Limits: 1 to 6 alphanumeric characters


Defines up to ten volumes enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas. (Processing for TYPE=REPL discusses replacing entries with more than ten volumes.)


(Optional) Defines the device type code for the data set.

Default: Device code of current entry

Limits: 8 digits - hexadecimal


Defines the entry to delete or replace. ENTRY is required when TYPE=DEL or TYPE=REPL. ENTRY=1 is the most recent.

Limits: 1 numeric character from 1 to 3


(Optional) Defines a label sequence.

Default: Label sequence of current entry

Limits: 1 to 3 numeric characters

More information:

Processing for TYPE=REPL