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FLOWD Command

The FLOWD command manually deletes active Critical Path Management (CPM) flow elements. FLOWD cannot be used with the option CPM=JFMLOAD.

Note: For information about the CPM facility, see the Interface Reference Guide.

This command has the following format:


Defines the fully qualified name of the CPM flow to be deleted. To delete all active flows, specify *ALL*. If there are multiple occurrences of the flow active, all of them will be deleted unless the DATE and TIME keywords are used to qualify the selection.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters


(Optional) Defines a specific flow date. If the same flow has multiple occurrences, you can use the DATE (and optionally TIME) keywords to select which flows to delete. The value is matched against the flow start date (available using the FLOWL command).

Limits: 5 numeric digits (yyddd)


(Optional) If used, the only valid form of this option is JOBCNT=0.

Specifies to delete only flows that no longer have any jobs attached to them. These flows can become stranded if a job in the critical path of the flow is canceled in CA WA CA 7 Edition.

Limits: 0


Defines a specific flow time. If the same flow has multiple occurrences of the same flow, you can use the DATE (and optionally TIME) keywords to select which flows to delete. The value is matched against the flow start time (available using the FLOWL command).

Limits: 4 numeric digits (hhmm)

More information:

FLOWL Command