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The JCLOVRD command establishes or satisfies JCL override requirements. This command is primarily used when the CPU job does not have a permanent JCL override requirement assigned. The CPU job for which the JCL override is being established (or satisfied) must be in the request queue.

If you are using CA WA CA 7 Edition to insert IBM WLM scheduling environment keywords on JOB statements, you can use the JCLOVRD command to suppress or allow SCHENV= keyword insertion.

This function is available as the J value for FILL FUNCTION on the QM.1 panel. The function can also be accomplished with the QM.2 and QM.3 panels.

This command has the following format:


Defines the CA 7 job number of the job in the request queue for which to establish or remover the override requirement.

Limits: 1 to 4 numeric characters


Specifies to establish or satisfy JCL override requirements. When a job fails with a JCL error, the JCL override requirement is automatically set to ON when the job returns to the request queue. The JCL override must be set to OFF before the job can be submitted again.


Establishes a JCL override requirement for the specified job. The SET=ON option is used for jobs in the request queue to indicate that an override is needed before execution is to occur.


Satisfies a JCL override requirement for the specified job. The SET=OFF option indicates that a previously defined need (requirement) for overrides has been satisfied and execution can be safely attempted. When a JCL override requirement is set to OFF, that requirement no longer appears on a requirements list for the job. When a REPL is done from the QM.5 panel, the JCL override requirement is automatically set to OFF.


Sets job to allow insertion of SCHENV= keyword on the JOB statement at submission time if the scheduling environment insertion feature is activated and there is a scheduling Environment VRM definition attached to the job (or SCHENV global default).


Sets job to suppress the insertion of a SCHENV= keyword on the JOB statement at submission time even if one would normally be associated with the job.

This option can be used if the validation of an associated IBM WLM scheduling environment has failed causing the job to be requeued (see Browse message SSM0-42). Setting the NOWLM option will allow the job to be submitted without SCHENV= keyword insertion.

Note: This option will not suppress user-coded SCHENV= keywords in the JCL. Such keywords must be manually removed from the QJCL prior to releasing the job for submission.