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HOLD Command

The HOLD command interrupts the normal scheduling progress by holding the forward movement of a job. The command can also hold the contents of an entire queue. This function is available on the QM.1, QM.6, and QM.7 panels with a FILL value of H. Depending on the timing and whether there are any other predecessor situations, this process can sometimes be accomplished with the QM.3 panel.

This command has the following format:


Defines the individual job or workstation network to hold. If JOBL or Q is specified, omit JOB.

Required: Yes (unless the JOBL or Q parameters are used).


Defines the job name of the job to hold.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters


Defines the job number of the job to hold.


Defines the value for a workstation network task. Enter the value as the CA WA CA 7 Edition assigned reference number in the format nnnnrrs.


Defines the CA 7 job number.


Defines the relative sequence of the network in relation to other networks associated with the job. For input workstation networks, the value is 00.


Defines the position of the station within the network. The first station would be position 1.


Defines the individual job to hold. If JOB or Q is specified, omit JOBL.

Required: Yes (unless the JOB or Q parameters are used)


Defines the long job name of the job to hold.

Limits: 1 to 64 alphanumeric characters


Specifies to hold the contents of an entire queue. If JOB or JOBL is specified, omit Q.

Required: Yes (unless the JOB or JOBL parameters are used).


Specifies to hold all jobs currently in the request queue.


Specifies to hold all jobs currently in the ready queue.