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LPRRN Command

The LPRRN command lists job information from the prior-run queue. The prior-run queue contains information about the last successful completion of each job. Parameters allow the user to indicate which job or group of jobs is desired, what information is to be reviewed, and the sequence of the displayed data.

This command has the following format:


(Optional) Specifies the CA WA CA 7 Edition Workload Balancing class of jobs to select. If omitted or CLS=*, all classes are selected for display.

Limits: 1 alphanumeric character


(Optional) Defines the CPU ID name or mask that a CPU ID must match before its information is selected for display. For agent jobs, use AGJ. For XPJOBs use 7XPJ.

Note: The CPU ID is not filled in until CA WA CA 7 Edition has processed a job initiation record.

Default: * (all CPU IDs)

Limits: 1 to 8 characters


(Optional) Defines the job number, job name, or mask that a job name must match before its information is selected for display. JOB and JOBL are mutually exclusive.

Default: * (all jobs)

Limits: 1 to 8 characters


(Optional) Defines the long job name or mask that a long job name must match before its information is selected for display. JOB and JOBL are mutually exclusive.

Limits: 1 to 64 characters


(Optional) Specifies the amount of information to list.


Specifies a single description line for each queue record. STATUS is the default.


Specifies all data relative to the queue.


Specifies only CPU jobs.


Specifies JCL information from the last good run of the job only. The JCL is listed only for jobs marked RETAIN-JCL=Y on the DB.1 panel. No JCL is listed for non-executable jobs.

Depending on the security options that are selected for your installation, the following values are sometimes concealed in the display:

  • JOB statement USER keyword
  • JOB statement GROUP keyword
  • JOB statement PASSWORD keyword
  • //*LOGONID statement
  • //*PASSWORD statement
  • //*JOBFROM statement

Specifies documentation data as it currently resides in the database only.


Specifies job data only.


Indicates internal cross-platform (XPJOB) information only. This information is only listed for XPJOBs marked Retain=Y on the DB.10 panel. No XPJOB information is listed for non-executable jobs.


(Optional) Specifies a segment and subsegment of documentation that you want to list. If a subsegment, use the form (xxxxxxxx,yyyyyyyy).


Defines the name of the segment.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters


Specifies the name of a segment (xxxxxxxx) and subsegment (yyyyyyyy) enclosed in parentheses and separated by a comma.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters each


(Optional) Specifies the display sequence of the requested information.


Indicates native sequence (the order in which it is in the queue). NATV is the default.


Indicates deadline time sequence.


Indicates due-out time sequence.


Indicates job name sequence.


(Optional) Defines the system name or mask that a system name must match before its information is selected for display.

Default: * (all system names)

Limits: 1 to 8 characters


(Optional) Controls whether to normalize a job's start and completion date/times to the time zone of the running CA WA CA 7 Edition.

Default: Specified by the TZDISPLAY keyword on the SMF initialization file statement.


Normalizes the start and completion date/times to the running CA WA CA 7 Edition time zone.


Defines that the start and completion date/times should be in the execution time zone.

More information:
