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LPROS Command

The LPROS command lists documentation.

You can define documentation for each portion of the production workload through the CA WA CA 7 Edition documentation facility. You can define documentation in the database for each individual network. Network documentation can be very helpful at the time a network is being processed. The Database Maintenance Guide describes how this information is entered into the database.

Once defined, this documentation is available at any level, from the general description of a network to the specific operating instructions for a workstation task. Documentation can be listed by using the LPROS top line command or the DB.4 panel. Either can be used in batch or online. It is your responsibility to keep documentation accurate, current, and consistent with data center standards using the database maintenance documentation facilities.

This command has the following format:


Specifies a user-defined name for which the user ID level documentation data is to be listed.

Limits: 1 to 32 alphanumeric characters (using OS data set standards)

Required: No (at least one keyword is required)


Specifies the data set names of the data set level documentation members to be listed. Can be entered either with or without the PP. prefix that is used in the CA WA CA 7 Edition index entry for the documentation data. Value can be specified as a specific or generic data set name. A generic name is indicated by coding the required levels of index (nodes) terminated by a period. At least one index level is required.

Required: No (at least one keyword is required)


Specifies a single or generic CA WA CA 7 Edition database documentation member number to be listed.

Required: No (at least one keyword is required)


Specifies all documentation members in the database.


Specifies a specific database documentation member number where PP is constant and nnnnnn is the CA WA CA 7 Edition database documentation member number. Leading zeros can be omitted.


Defines a generic database documentation member number specified in the PP00nnnnnn format, up to seven digits, and terminated with an asterisk after the last significant digit. Leading zeros cannot be omitted.


Specifies a specific job name for which the job level documentation data is to be listed. Used by itself to list job level documentation.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters

Required: No (at least one keyword is required)


(Optional) Used only with JOB and DD keywords to list DD level documentation.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters


(Optional) Used with JOB and STEP keywords to list the documentation data for the DD in the STEP of the JOB.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters


Specifies a specific application system name for which the system level documentation data is to be listed.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters

Required: No (at least one keyword is required)


Specifies a specific network name for which the network level documentation data is to be listed.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters

Required: No (at least one keyword is required)


(Optional) Specifies the desired options for listing documentation text. If omitted on a generic member request, one line giving member level information is listed for each member. If omitted on a specific member request, information is listed as if ALL had been specified.


Can be used with specific or generic member request to cause documentation text to be listed. For specific member request, any documentation members linked to the requested member are listed following text for the primary member. For generic member request, text from each member is listed as the member is read.

Note: Documentation members are linked to a member through the LINK field on the CA WA CA 7 Edition Database Maintenance DB.4 panels.


Can be used with specific or generic member request to indicate that linked documentation is not to be listed with primary text.


(Optional) Specifies a segment and subsegment of documentation to be listed. If a subsegment, use the form (xxxxxxxx,yyyyyyyy).


Defines the name of the segment.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters


Defines the name of a segment (xxxxxxxx) and subsegment (yyyyyyyy) enclosed in parentheses and separated by a comma.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters each

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