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MAP Command

The MAP command lists the attributes of DASD data sets. This function is available on the UT Menu panel as FUNCTION value 15 or any other menu or formatted panel as FUNCTION value UT.15.

This command has the following format:


Identifies the data set to be mapped. The name can be a fully qualified name or a generic request. The latter is indicated with an asterisk (*) following the last significant character. (VOL is required for a generic request.) A relative generation request can be made for a cataloged generation data set if the VOL parameter is omitted. DSN=* lists all data sets on a volume.

Limits: 1 to 44 alphanumeric characters


Indicates the volume on which the data set resides.

Limits: 1 to 6 alphanumeric characters

Required: Yes - unless a request is made for a fully qualified, cataloged data set name


(Optional) Indicates the type of data to list.


Lists the dsname, number of extents, tracks allocated, tracks used, secondary allocation quantity, DSORG, record format (RECFM), logical record length (LRECL), and block size (BLKSIZE). DSN is the default.


In addition to information noted under the preceding DSN, lists the creation date, expiration date, absolute DASD address, type allocation, option code (OPTCD), key length, key position, password indicators, and unmovable indicators.