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NXTCYC Command

The NXTCYC top line command bypasses one or more regularly scheduled processing cycles of a job. A regularly scheduled processing cycle is where the schedule scan brings the job into the request queue. This bypass can be for a single cycle or for all subsequent cycles until further notice is provided with another option of the command.

You can also use the NXTCYC command to update the last run date and time manually. With this updating, future workload requirements that depend on this job are satisfied without any manual intervention. Improper updates to last run date and time for a job could adversely affect job serialization. Updates to the last run date and time do not affect requirements for jobs that have already entered the queues.

The NXTCYC command affects only jobs that schedule scan selects. NXTCYC does not prevent jobs from being triggered or repeated.

The next time that the job is scheduled to run, a message is written to the CA WA CA 7 Edition master station indicating the job was not scheduled.

Note: For more information about these messages, see the Message Reference Guide.

This command has the following format:


Identifies the job for which you want to alter scheduling. The value must be a job name.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters


Indicates which of the options for skipping processing cycles that you want to use.


Causes all regularly scheduled processing cycles to be skipped, and is so indicated on LJOB and LLOCK displays, until the scheduling indicator is again reset (SET=ON). When you use SET=OFF to bypass scheduling indefinitely, you must enter SET=ON to reinstate the normal scheduling activity. SET=OFF indicates jobs that have been specified on a job forecast.


Reinstates normal scheduling that a SET=SKP or SET=OFF command previously altered. SET=ON can reinstate scheduling before one cycle is skipped (where SET=SKP has been used).


Causes only the next regularly scheduled processing cycle to be skipped. You can use SET=SKP to skip a processing cycle for a job that was demanded to run ahead of its schedule. If SET=SKP is used, the schedule indicator automatically resets to restore its normal scheduling activity after skipping one cycle. Jobs with SET=SKP specified appear on forecast panel displays and are indicated on LJOB and LLOCK displays.


Resets the last run date and time for the job in the job record of the database.

This command does not affect requirements for jobs that are already in the queues.

Note: Any improper updates to the last run date and time can cause an incorrect evaluation of job requirements.

The following keywords apply only to the RUN keyword.


Identifies the new last run date (yyddd).

Limits: 5 digits


Identifies the new last run time. The following formats are valid:




where hh is hours (00-23), mm is minutes (00-59), ss is seconds (00-59) and th is tenths and hundredths of seconds (00-99).

Limits: 4, 6, or 8 digits


(Optional) Use FORCE=YES to update last run date and time even in the following situations:

• The new value is older than the current database setting.

• The new value sets the database to a date in the future.

Default: NO

Limits: NO or N, YES or Y