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The PRRNDEL command deletes jobs from the prior-run queue based on age. If the job was defined with RETAIN=YES, the JCL or XP PARM data that was retained is also deleted.

This command has the following format:


Specifies the age of a job in number of days. Any jobs that are this age or older are eligible for selection. A value of one (1) indicates select all matching jobs that ran before today. A value of zero (0) indicates to select all matching jobs regardless of when they ran. Use this value with caution since DAYS=0 with JOB=* specified or defaulted would select all jobs.

Limits: 0 to 999


(Optional) Indicates the job name or mask that a job name must match before it is eligible for selection.

Default: * (all jobs)

Limits: 1 to 8 characters


(Optional) Specifies whether to delete or list the selected jobs and any retained JCL or XP PARM data from the prior-run queue.


Specifies that the selected jobs are listed only. NO is the default.


Specifies that the selected jobs and any retained JCL or XP PARM data are deleted in addition to being listed.

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