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RESOLV Command

The RESOLV top line command creates or modifies processing schedules for jobs or workstation networks that are to be scheduled on a date/time basis. Work that is scheduled by a trigger or on-request work that is DEMANDed or RUN has no direct relationship to a base calendar and therefore does not require the use of this function.

You can also request the RESOLV command from the DB.2.1 and DB.2.2 panels. Those panels are used to define schedule criteria and the name of the default base calendar to which the schedules apply. The RESOLV command is then used to perform a resolution process using the specified schedule criteria and the base calendars. Processing schedules are thus completed, defining the specific dates on which the processing is to be performed. Scheduling begins automatically when the first date in the RESOLVed schedule arrives. (These schedules can be further modified using the DB.2.7 function. Other temporary or onetime changes can also be accomplished through other commands such as NXTCYC and so forth.)

The RESOLV command selects the schedule members to be processed before actual schedule resolution activity begins. The JOB and NW parameters are used to identify the job and network candidates for resolution of schedules. If JOB and NW are omitted, all jobs and input networks are considered candidates. Two criteria are used for selecting the schedules to be resolved for those candidates identified:

Schedules can be RESOLVed for January through December of the current year, or for July of the current year through June of the next year. See the YEAR parameter in the syntax descriptions.

Before CA WA CA 7 Edition can automatically schedule a job, it needs to know the exact dates the job is to be processed. The RESOLV command takes the specified scheduling information and compares it to the processing days defined in the base calendars to calculate the exact processing days. When doing a schedule resolution, CA WA CA 7 Edition looks at the scheduling information in the following sequence:

  1. All positive schedule values for DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, ANNUAL, and SYMETRIC.
  2. All negative schedule values for WEEKLY, MONTHLY, and ANNUAL
  3. ROLL option. (process that is based on calendar definition)
  4. INDEX field. (process that is based on calendar definition)

This command has the following format:


(Optional) Limits selection for resolution to the jobs specified. When JOB is specified, omit NW. If both are omitted, all job and input network schedules are candidates for resolution. Value can be either a specific job name or a generic name that identifies multiple jobs beginning with the specified characters. An asterisk (*) must be used to delimit the generic job name. It can appear in any of the 8 positions but must immediately follow the last significant character of the job name requested. For example, AB* causes all jobs beginning with AB to be selected for resolution. JOB=* causes all job schedules to be selected for resolution.

Limits: Cannot be used with NW.


Select all job schedules for resolution.


Select a specific job name.


Select a generic job name (with * used to delimit).


(Optional) Limits selection for resolution to the input networks specified. When NW is specified, omit JOB. If both are omitted, all job and input network schedules are candidates for selection. When used, value must be one of the following:

Limits: Cannot be used with JOB.

Identifies a specific network name to select.


Indicates that all input networks are considered for resolution. Terminate this value with a period.


(Optional) Indicates whether to produce specific duplicate day messages (SRC1-137) each time a given day is scheduled by two or more schedule IDs for the same job/network.

The default is NO unless the extended resolve message option has been set in the user profile by the /PROF command.


(Optional) Specifies the year currently defined in the schedule member data (the value supplied by YEAR in the previous resolution that updated the schedule member). Only those candidate schedule members whose year data matches the OLDYR value are selected for resolution. If used, value must be one of the following:

Default: If omitted, only those schedule members that have not previously been resolved or whose schedules have expired are selected.


Indicates a specific year.


Indicates all years and all schedules.


(Optional) Specifies whether a month-by-month schedule day calendar is to be displayed after resolution of the defined member is complete. If used, value must be either PRINT=YES or PRINT=NO. NO is the default.


(Optional) Value is the xx portion of the base calendar name, SCALyyxx. The SCAL value must also match the base calendar identifier (SCAL) specified in any SCHID of the schedule definition for the individual jobs or networks. This value is used during the selection process of resolution to determine which schedule members are to be resolved.

Required: No (unless JOB and NW are omitted)


Indicates all SCALs.


Indicates a specific SCAL.


(Optional) Indicates whether schedule members are to be updated as a result of the resolution process. TEST=YES and TEST=NO are the only allowable values.


Normal resolution occurs and all messages are printed, but no updating of the database occurs. This option can be used at year-end or whenever a base calendar is changed to see the results of the resolution activity, without actually changing the schedule mask or affecting the current schedule process. YES is the default.


Normal resolution occurs and all messages are printed, and updating of the database occurs.


(Optional) Identifies the year of the base calendars against which the schedule is resolved. Value is the number that is specified by the yy portion of the base calendar name, SCALyyxx. When a schedule is successfully updated, the YEAR value becomes part of the schedule data (see OLDYR). If the YEAR parameter is not specified, the current year is assumed to be the year from the system internal date and time.

Also, if YEAR is not coded on the RESOLV, a check is made to see if the RESOLV is made within the period January 1 through June 30 as determined from system date and time. If so, the schedule is resolved against January through December of the current year. If a RESOLV is done within the period July 1 through December 31, the schedule is resolved against July 1 through December 31 of the current year and January 1 through June 30 of the next year. This requires the existence of base calendars for both calendar years involved. If a required base calendar is not available, an error message is issued, and the schedule member is not resolved, unless a perpetual calendar is defined for this SCALyyXX. In that case, the calendar is generated from the PCALYYXX member in the perpetual calendar data set.

YEAR is optional. If YEAR is specified, the resolution is made against January through December of the year specified.

Default: Current year

Limits: 2 numeric characters

Note: If year= is specified, use only the current year.

More information:

/PROF Command