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SSCAN Command

The SSCAN top line command reviews schedule scan options or alters the way in which schedule scan performs its scheduling functions. Schedule scan is an automatic scheduling facility and can be altered as follows:

Any change made to parameters controlling schedule scan execution does not take effect until the appropriate schedule scan activity runs.

This command has the following format:


(Optional) Used with PERSTART to cause schedule scan to go back and repeat functions that were performed on a previous date. This parameter is useful in a recovery situation to cause work that may have been lost to again be brought into the queues. A system clock error that caused work to be skipped can also be handled in this manner. DATE is optional but, when specified, must be the beginning Julian date for which schedule scan functions are to be performed.

Note: If the date needs to be set forward (future), an SSCAN command with TIME=0, must be entered followed by another SSCAN command with DATE=00000, PERSTART=hhmm before the SSCAN command with the future date.

Limits: 5 numeric characters in yyddd format


(Optional) Changes the time interval to elapse between schedule scan wake-ups. The INCR value must not be greater than the SPAN value.

Limits: 1 to 2 numeric characters from 1 to 24 hours


(Optional) Specifies a number of minutes to be added globally to the schedule times of all the work entering the queue. If 0 is specified, no change is made to the scheduled times for the work.

Default: 0

Limits: 1 to 4 numeric characters from 0 to 1440

Note: Does not apply to preprocessing work or demanded jobs.


(Optional) Used with PERSTART and DATE to set an ending time for schedule scan functions. Must be the time-of-day desired in the hhmm format. When PEREND is used, the automatic wake-up of schedule scan is disabled. The SSCAN,SCAN=SCH command or a startup of CA WA CA 7 Edition must be used to force schedule scan to run. After schedule scan is complete, automatic wake-up is still disabled. This allows another PEREND time to be entered, if necessary. To resume automatic wake-up of schedule scan, use SSCAN,TIME= specifying a time when schedule scan is to wake-up. A new field appears under NEXT SCAN PERIOD START TIME when this parameter is in effect.

When using PEREND, we recommend that the CA WA CA 7 Edition initialization file INIT statement PERFORM option of 5 (duplicate checking) not be used. This lessens the possibliity of a "duplicate" job being scheduled.


(Optional) Used with DATE to set schedule scan functions back to a previous time. Must be the time-of-day desired in hhmm format.


(Optional) Specifies an additional number of minutes to be added to the span time, as an additional safety factor, to ensure that scheduling requirements can be met between the queue entry and deadline times.

Limits: 1 to 2 numeric characters from 1 to 59 minutes


(Optional) Specifies a number of minutes to elapse between a prompt message and each subsequent reprompt. If REPRMPT=0, the reprompt function of schedule scan is suspended.

Limits: 1 to 2 numeric characters from 1 to 59 minutes


(Optional) Specifies a number of minutes between wake-ups for reattempting to attach JCL and requirements for jobs in RETRY status. Jobs are in RETRY status when a dynamic allocation (SVC99) failure occurs during scheduling (that is, date schedules, triggers or DEMAND commands). If 0 (zero) is specified, the RETRY function is suspended.

Limits: 1 to 2 numeric characters from 1 to 59 minutes


(Optional) Indicates the type of schedule scan function to perform.


Abbreviates the format of initial requirements scan output and prompt messages.


Causes posting of the ARF dispatcher.


Forces a completion processing cycle to run and check for completed jobs.


Forces all jobs to be placed in CA WA CA 7 Edition hold status as they enter the queue. Jobs must then be released on a job-by-job basis. The effect of SCAN=HLD can be disabled by SCAN=REL.


Restores the normal format of initial requirements scan output and prompt messages.


Disables the effect of a previous SCAN=HLD.


Forces immediate reprompting for jobs and workstation activities that are late.


Forces a skeleton retry cycle. See the RETRY parameter for more information about RETRY.


Forces schedule scan to run and add more work to the queues. This function activates schedule scan if it is not active.


(Optional) Changes the number of hours that schedule scan is to look forward, during each wake-up, for jobs that must be added to the queue. The SPAN value must not be less than the INCR value.

Limits: 1 to 2 numeric characters from 1 to 24 hours


(Optional) Specifies the next wake-up time-of-day for schedule scan to bring jobs into the queues. This value is normally determined by adding the INCR value to the previous scan. If 0 is specified for TIME, this function of schedule scan is disabled. If the time specified is less than the current time, the next day is assumed.


Defines the time-of-day where hh represents hours (0 to 24) and mm represents minutes (00 to 59).


(Optional) Specifies a number of minutes between attempts to send data to the targeted node or its alternates for XPJOB jobs waiting in the request queue in some type of node status. Even if a non-zero XPRETRY value is coded, attempts to resend data are determined on a job-by-job basis based on node states. An attempt to resend data is not made if there is no chance for success. An attempt to resend data is made for the following node state values:

Default: 0 (no retry)

Limits: 1 to 2 characters from 0 to 60