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RSVP Command

The RSVP top line command acknowledges receipt of a prompt and suspends further prompting for that deadline. Both input and output workstations can use this command. This function is available as the P option on the following panels:

When CA WA CA 7 Edition detects a workstation activity that has not been logged in or out by the scheduled time, a message is issued. This message notifies the workstation of the late status of the activity specified. If the activity for which the station is being prompted is on schedule, the response should be a LOGIN or LOGOUT. If the activity is late and the workstation is aware of the late status but unable to do anything new to correct it, the repetitive prompting can be suspended by acknowledging receipt of the message with the RSVP command.

This command has the following format:


Specifies the unique CA 7 job number that is assigned to the task when it entered the queue.

Limits: 1 to 4 numeric characters

Required: Yes, unless REF is used.


Specifies workstation network task reference number of the station to which the RSVP applies. When REF is specified, other operands are ignored.

Required: Yes, if JOB is not used.


CA 7 job number. You can omit leading zeros.


Relative sequence of the network in relation to other networks associated with the job. Leading zeros cannot be omitted.


Relative position of the station within the network. The first station is position 1.


Identifies the network for which the RSVP is being entered. If used, the value must be the workstation network name in up to eight characters. NW is required if JOB is used for an output workstation network. Omit NW when REF is used instead of JOB.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters

Required: Yes, if JOB is used.


Specifies the station to which the RSVP applies. If used, the value must be the station name. STATION is required if JOB is used for an output workstation network. Omit STATION when REF is used.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters

Required: Yes, if JOB is used.


(Optional) Further identifies the network to which the RSVP applies. If used, the value must be a SUBID name. Omit SUBID when REF is used. If omitted, spaces are assumed.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters