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LRLOG Command

The LRLOG command lists information from the CA WA CA 7 Edition run log. The run log contains the information about certain events that occur during CA WA CA 7 Edition processing. These events include job and network completions and exception events such as restarts, force completes, and cancels.

The run log maintains data for the previous n number of days. The default is to retain five days of run log data. That is the current date, up to the moment, and the four previous calendar days.

An option in the CA WA CA 7 Edition initialization file controls the number of days retained.

Note: For more information, see the RLOGDAYS keyword on the DBASE statement in the Systems Programming Guide.

This command has the following format:

     [,SPAN={current date}]
            {(start date,start time,scope)}
            {(start date,start time,end date,end time)}

(Optional) Specifies the dates of the information requested.


Specifies all days in the run log. As supplied, the system contains five days of data.


Defines a specific date. If specified, the date must be in the form *YYDDD, where yy is the year and ddd is the Julian day and must be within the last five calendar days.


(Optional) Defines the job name or mask that a job name must match before its information is selected for display.

Default: * (all jobs)

Limits: 1 to 8 characters


(Optional) Controls what types of objects are selected.


Selects all types of objects (all jobs and networks). ALL is the default.


Selects only agent jobs.


Selects only CPU jobs.


Selects only input network related events.


Selects only job related events.


Selects only network related events.


Selects only output network related events.


Selects only external job related events. An external job is one that is tracked by CA WA CA 7 Edition even though CA WA CA 7 Edition did not submit it.


Selects only internal cross-platform information.

Note: The old option RSTR is still accepted. It is processed as if ST=RSTR were entered.


(Optional) Defines the network name or mask that a network name must match before its information is selected for display.

Default: * (all network names)

Limits: 1 to 8 characters


(Optional) Controls the output format of the data displayed. This keyword allows you to have the run log data displayed in the pre-Release 3.2 format. If you want to see run log data in the same manner it was presented in previous versions, specify OPT=1 on the LRLOG command.


Displays run log data in the Release 3.2 and above format. This value is the default.


Displays run log data in the pre-Release 3.2 format.

Note: If you have Batch Terminal (BTI) jobs that extract run log data for further processing and it is expecting the pre-Release 3.2 format, you can specify a default Batch LRLOG format in the CA WA CA 7 Edition initialization file. See the RLOGBDEF keyword on the OPTIONS statement in the Systems Programming Guide.


(Optional) Indicates to only select events with a specific schedule ID.

Default: 0 (all schedule IDs)

Limits: 1 to 3 numeric from 1 through 999


(Optional) Controls the display sequence of the selected run log data.


Date and time sequence. DATE is the default.


Job name, and date/time sequence within jobs with the same name.


Network name, and date/time sequence within networks with the same name.


Reverse date and time sequence.


Sub-ID, and date/time sequence within networks with the same Sub-ID.

Note: The old option NATV is still accepted. However, it is processed the same as the DATE option.


(Optional) Run log records are searched for the time period specified or implied by this keyword. It can be expressed as a scope, a starting date/time and scope, or as a date and time range. This keyword is mutually exclusive with the DATE= keyword.

Default: Current date


Searches all run log data.


Use this format to search most current information in the run log for a fixed period. The starting time is calculated as the current time minus the scope. The ending time is the current time. The scope can be expressed as a number of hours (one to three digits), or as hours and minutes (four digits).

SPAN=8     Search the last 8 hours.
SPAN=0130  Search the last 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Use this format to search the run log data for a specific date. The date can be expressed as a five-digit Julian date (YYDDD), or as a six-digit Gregorian date (MMDDYY).

SPAN=09001    Search Jan 1, 2009 (entire day).
SPAN=010209   Search Jan 2, 2009 (entire day).
(start date, start time, scope)

Use this format to express a starting point and a fixed amount of time forward from that point (scope).

The starting date/time is specified on the keyword.

The ending time is calculated as the starting date/time plus the scope.

The starting date can be expressed as a Julian date (five digits) or Gregorian date (six digits).

The starting time can be expressed as hhmm (4 digits) where hh is the hour (00-24) and mm is the minutes (00-59). If no time is specified the default is the beginning of the day (0000).

The scope can be expressed as a number of hours (one to three digits), or as hours and minutes (four digits).

SPAN=(09001,1300,8)    Jan 1, 2009 (1:00 pm - 9:00 pm)
SPAN=(010209,1200,24)  Jan 2, 2009 (noon) - Jan 3, 2009 (noon)
(start date, start time, end date, end time)

Use this format to express both a starting and ending point for the selection window.

The dates can be expressed as Julian dates (five digits) or Gregorian dates (six digits).

The times can be expressed as hhmm (4 digits) where hh is the hour (00-24) and mm is the minutes (00-59). If no start time is specified the default is the beginning of the day (0000). If no end time is specified the default is the end of the day (2400).

SPAN=(09001,1200,09002,0800)   Jan 1 (noon) - Jan 2 (8 am)
SPAN=(010209,,010309)          All of Jan 2 and Jan 3, 2009

(Optional) Controls what types of events are selected.


Selects all types of events. This value is the default.


Selects only job and network cancel events.


Selects only job and network completion events.


Selects only exception events. That is, only non-completion events are selected (cancel, force complete, requeue, and restart).


Selects only force complete events.


Selects only job and network completion events where the completion was considered late by CA WA CA 7 Edition.


Selects only restart events.

Note: The old option CANC is still accepted. It is processed the same as the CANCEL option.


(Optional) Defines the subid name or mask that a subid must match before its information is selected for display.

Default: * (all subid names)

Limits: 1 to 8 characters


(Optional) Defines the system name or mask that a system name must match before its information is selected for display.

Default: * (all system names)

Limits: 1 to 8 characters


(Optional) Controls whether a job's start and completion date/times should be normalized to the time zone of the running CA WA CA 7 Edition.

Default: Specified by the TZDISPLAY keyword on the SMF initialization file statement.


Defines that the start and completion date/times should be normalized to the running CA WA CA 7 Edition time zone.


Defines that the start and completion date/times should be in the execution time zone.

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