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The LOAD/LOADH commands create or recreate CPU job profile data in the database. CPU job profiles should agree with the current JCL. Therefore, any changes to the JCL must be resynchronized with the database by loading the job. See the RELOAD field in the DB.1 panel as an alternative to this command.

Use the LOADH command to indicate that the job is to be entered into the queue in CA WA CA 7 Edition hold status to allow for manual release at a future time.

Use of this command causes the flushing of the rest of the job's JCL. The job returns to the request queue with a JCL error.

Note: The LOAD/LOADH commands cannot be used with internal cross-platform jobs.

This command has the following format:


Defines the job name of the job to load. Value is the job name defined in the database or the member name in a JCL library where the JCL for the job resides. See JCLID that follows.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters


(Optional) Specifies the workload balancing class for resource checking.

Limits: 1 alphanumeric character


(Optional) Defines a due-out time-of-day for load processing.

Default: Assumes current time plus lead time

Limits: 3 to 4 numeric characters specified as hhmm where hh can be hours 0 through 24 and mm can be minutes 00 through 59


(Optional) Defines the JCL data set that contains the execution JCL to be submitted. If used, the value must be a numeric INDEX associated with the desired JCL data set (on the JCL statement in the initialization file). This field or the JCLLIB field is required if the job is not defined in the database. JCLID and JCLLIB are mutually exclusive.

Limits: 1 to 3 numeric characters from 0 through 254 and from 256 through 999. 255 is reserved.

Required: No, unless job is not defined in database

Note: For more information about the initialization file, see the Systems Programming Guide.


(Optional) Defines the JCL data set that contains the execution JCL to be submitted. If used, the value must be a symbolic INDEX associated with the desired JCL data set (on the JCL statement in the initialization file). For more information about the initialization file, see the Systems Programming Guide. This field or the JCLID field is required if the job is not defined in the database. JCLID and JCLLIB are mutually exclusive.

Limits: 2 to 16 alphanumeric characters beginning with ampersand (&)

Required: No, unless job is not defined in database

Note: A dynamic allocation failure on a JCL data set specified by JCLLIB causes the job to enter the request queue in SKELETON status.


(Optional) Specifies whether notification should occur if the job becomes late. Specify YES (Y) to make the job eligible to be marked LATE. If NO (N) is used, the job will never be marked LATE. The value specified here overrides the value coded on the job definition PROMPTS field.


(Optional) Defines an elapsed lead time for load processing.

Default: 1 hour (if omitted)

Limits: 2 to 4 numeric characters specified as hhmm or mm where hh can be hours 0 through 24 and mm can be minutes 00 through 59


(Optional) Specifies the MAINID, as defined in the initialization file CPU statement, to which the job is to be redirected. The value specified here overrides the value coded on the job definition MAINID field.

The name must be one of the following:


Specifies all CPUs are acceptable for executing the job.


n defines the CPU to which the job is being redirected. The value of n can range from 1 to 7.


n defines a CPU to which the job cannot be submitted. The value of n can range from 1 to 7.


n defines a CPU to which the job cannot be submitted. The value of n can range from 1 to 7.


(Optional) Defines the job schedule ID to be used for this job.

Default: 1

Limits: 1 to 3 numeric characters 1 through 999

Note: If the SCHEDULE statement in the initialization file specifies SCHID=YES, this parameter is required.


(Optional) Establishes a submit time requirement for the job.

Limits: 3 to 4 numeric characters specified as hhmm where hh can be hours 0 through 23 and mm can be minutes 00 through 59