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LJCK Command

For the CPU jobs, the LJCK command lists JCL for a CA WA CA 7 Edition job. JCL is fetched from the source indicated on the DB.1 panel. If no member name is provided on the DB.1 panel, then the member name is assumed to be the same as the job name. JCL is fetched from the library indicated by the JCL ID (or its alternate) on the DB.1 panel unless the USE-OVRD-LIB value is Y, in which case LJCK attempts to locate the JCL on the override library (JCLID=254). The RMS step is inserted if necessary.

You can also use the LJCK command to validate JCL for a CPU job that is not defined on the CA WA CA 7 Edition database. However, the JCL must reside on a CA WA CA 7 Edition JCL library. LJCK can invoke CA JCLCheck to validate the JCL.

For cross-platform jobs, the LJCK command lists information that is gathered for building the message that is sent to the remote node or agent. Instead of listing JCL, it lists the following kinds of information:

LJCK keyword values for DATE, TIME, and SCHID can affect the display when scheduled overrides such as #JI and #JO are used. If the CA WA CA 7 Edition interface with CA Driver is active, LJCK displays the CA Driver modifications. Calls to CA Driver are made after scheduled overrides are applied and the RMS step is inserted. Defaults for run-time specific reserved-name variables such as the job number are used when CA Driver is invoked through LJCK.

LJCK displays modifications that global variables make. If CA Driver is active, the CA Driver modifications are made before global variable modifications.

Note: For more information about the use of CA Driver, see the Interface Reference Guide.

This command has the following format:


Defines the job whose JCL or cross-platform related information you want to list.

Required: Yes, unless JOBL or MEM is specified.

Limits: This keyword is mutually exclusive with the JOBL and MEM keywords.


Defines the job whose JCL or cross-platform related information you want to list.

Required: Yes, unless MEM or JOB is specified.

Limits: This keyword is mutually exclusive with the MEM and JOB keywords.


Specifies the member whose JCL is to be listed if the CPU job is not defined to CA WA CA 7 Edition or if the database definition is to be ignored. If no JCLLIB value is specified, LJCK attempts to locate JCL on the JCL library defined with ID=0. If this keyword is used, the job type is always a CPU job.

This option is not valid for internal cross-platform jobs.

Required: Yes, unless JOB or JOBL is specified.

Limits: This keyword is mutually exclusive with the JOB and JOBL keywords.


(Optional) Specifies the Julian date for evaluating scheduled overrides (for example, #JI and #JO statements).

Default: Current system date


(Optional) Overrides or specifies the library where the JCL resides. JCLLIB can override the JCLID/JCLLIB value on the DB.1 panel for this display if the JOB keyword is used. For example, if the JCLLIB for the library where the JCL for job X resides is &A but test JCL to be evaluated for the job resides on the library defined as JCLLIB=&ABC, the following command can be used:


If a numeric index is indicated, use from 1 to 3 numeric characters to specify a number from 0 through 999.

If a symbolic index is indicated, specify from 1 to 15 alphanumeric characters prefixed by an ampersand.

For internal cross-platform jobs, JCLLIB specifies the PARMLIB where cross-platform information resides. JCLLIB can override the PARMLIB value from the job definition panel for this display if the JOB keyword is used.


(Optional) Specifies the options used in listing JCL or cross-platform information.


Specifies that the execution JCL for the specified job is to be evaluated by CA JCLCheck. MERGE is the default.

If the full CA JCLCheck interface is used, then JCL substitutions, procedure expansions, errors, and other messages returned by CA JCLCheck are displayed inline following the relevant execution JCL statements. The display is similar to CA JCLCheck REPORT 2. For more information about REPORT 2, see the CA JCLCheck User Guide. If the default CA JCLCheck interface (common component) is used, a report is produced listing only those statements in error. This output is the same as the output generated for LIST=ERRORS.

For internal cross-platform jobs, specifies to evaluate cross-platform information for errors. Error messages are presented inline following the relevant cross-platform statement. If present, logon information and miscellaneous notes are also listed for internal cross-platform jobs.


Displays a dump of the AFM that would be sent to the remote agent during job submission. Any passwords always display as 'SIMULATE'. The MFUser field contains the user ID of the person executing the LJCK command. The MFUser for an actual job submission would be determined at job submission time.

Limits: This keyword value applies to agent jobs only.


Specifies that the execution JCL for the specified job is to be evaluated by CA JCLCheck, and that only those JCL statements flagged in error with the associated diagnostic messages are to be displayed.

For internal cross-platform jobs, specifies to evaluate cross-platform information for errors and to display only those statements flagged in error with an associated diagnostic message.


Specifies that the execution JCL for the specified job is to be listed. CA JCLCheck is not invoked to evaluate the JCL. If the CA JCLCheck interface is not available, this value is the only valid LIST option.

For internal cross-platform jobs, specifies listing cross-platform information. The statements are not evaluated for errors.


(Optional) Specifies the schedule ID to be used in evaluating scheduled overrides (for example, #JI and #JO statements).

Default: 001


(Optional) Specifies the time-of-day to be used in evaluating scheduled overrides (for example, #JI and #JO statements).

Default: Current system time

Concealed Values

Depending on the security options that are selected for your installation, the following values are sometimes concealed in the display: